Subject: Matthew is out of surgery, sleeping in recovery

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Matthew just got out of surgery for his wound washout and wound VAC change. This was his 7th surgery so far.

Today we found out that Matthew has a small pocket of fluid outside his left lung. It may be nothing, but it may be indicative of infection. Please pray that that will heal on its own and not need a drain.

He also has an infection near his collarbone. That will need to be drained and cleared up before they are able to do the exploratory surgery to find out the prognosis for nerve repair.

An occupational therapist saw Matthew today. They will be making a splint for his left arm. She also worked with him some to keep the fingers on his left hand from locking up. The finger and thumb tips have died and will have to be amputated.

If you would like to send a card to Matthew, you can send them to:
Matthew Price
1431 Center St., #105
Oakland, CA 94607

Please pray for wisdom and for us to get legal counsel and advice for insurance and for disability. I have people who have offered to help as soon as I have the time to call them.

Matthew will be applying for a leave of absence for his work, so we need to get that paperwork done.

I'm attaching a few pictures that Elizabeth took of his hospital room and the beautiful view from his room window, which includes the Golden Gate bridge.

Thank you for your prayers,

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