Subject: Matthew had an uneventful day--which is a lovely thing!

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Today was a fairly uneventful day for Matthew, which is a lovely kind to have these days! Physical therapy had him walk around some, the doctors changed his dressings, and he has been able to rest. Please pray that the skin grafts and the chyle leak will heal over the next few days.

Pamala, Daniel, and Ariela should be landing in San Francisco (SF) in less than two hours. Stephen graciously gave us his Hilton points, so we will have a hotel tonight near the airport, and Pam and the kids will be able to be with Elizabeth tonight before she leaves tomorrow (Sunday) morning to fly back to KC.

Up until yesterday, we had been unable to find an adequate place that was close to Matthew's hospital where Pam, Daniel, Ariela and I could stay for their 10-day visit, so I reserved (but had not yet paid for) a hotel nearby, at the price of $1,200 for those ten days. But this morning, I got a message from our Pioneers missionary colleagues in Budapest, Hungary, letting me know she has a pastor friend in SF and asking if it was okay for her to give him my number to see if he could help us with lodging, etc.

So, just a few hours before the deadline, I was able to cancel the hotel registration because it turns out that the SF pastor's church has a guest house in downtown SF where we can stay. He said it comes available Sunday (the day we need it) and is open for ten days! Amazing! God let it go down to the wire then provided just what we needed at the last moment.

Over these last three weeks, time and again, we have seen the Body of Christ pull together to help us, even strangers we have never met, but with whom we have a bond through Jesus. We are so grateful to the Lord and his people.

Thank you for your prayers,


PC Elizabeth Sell

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