Subject: Matthew able to move from bed to chair, still in great need of sleep

Thank you for praying for Matthew. He has not been able to sleep much, though thankfully, he was able to sleep a couple of hours last night. ICU wards are notoriously difficult places to rest. Would you pray that he would be able to relax, have peace in his heart and a quiet, settled mind free from anxiety, and that he would get several longs periods of sleep, please?

His left (damaged) arm is maintaining good color, warmth, and blood flow, which is encouraging.

He has some trouble with his other (right) arm. He is not able to raise it to certain positions, and he is not able to hold drinks steadily. However, he can type slowly. We will try to get him a one-handed keyboard as soon as we can. He has been online reviewing various options for one-handed keyboards, and we hope to get one from the local Best Buy tomorrow.

Unfortunately, it appears that the problems with the right arm may be related to nerve damage in his neck. Today they put him back in a neck collar to keep his neck stable. Please pray for healing there and that surgery will not be necessary on his neck or right arm.

Today has been an emotional roller coaster for us. Matthew is having to absorb the impact of living with a severely limited left arm for the present and for the near future. We are hopeful and are looking into options for places that may be able to do nerve treatment in hopes that some of his movement will be restored. We do have to face the fact that amputation may be needed, but we have not given up hope for full restoration of the nerves so he can feel and move his arm. Please pray for him for emotional processing of all of this and for wisdom and insight to know what would be the best way to proceed for treatment for his arm.

I must say that his attitude is incredibly good! He is so kind and is asking the nurses how they are doing. He is very polite to the doctors and constantly expresses gratitude for all they did to save his life and save his arm. The nurses and doctors are amazed at what a great guy he is and how thankful and hopeful he is.

Today his work brought by a banner (pictured above) that the staff and kids made for him as a get well poster. It was so encouraging to read all the notes of their thoughts and prayers and see the kids' handprints. The kids and staff he works with really love and appreciate him.

Elizabeth has been a trooper taking the night shifts to be with him. Please pray for Matthew as the nights and early mornings are the hardest for him with feeling anxious.

Jonathan has been so helpful in researching medical procedures and facilities that Matthew could benefit from next.

We are so grateful and humbled by the generous giving, through the GoFundMe campaigns, gifts directly to us and donations through Pioneers. We are amazed at everyone's kindness.

Just as a way of clarification, we have upped the GoFundMe goal from $20,000 to $50,000 as we anticipate many expenses regarding medical care as well as for us as his family as we travel and are with Matthew away from home.

Thankfully he is on solid food and keeping everything down well. He is getting regular hospital meals and doing a good job eating.

Today he was able to stand up and move to a chair. It was so cool seeing him sitting in a chair, rather than in the bed where he has been for 10 days. Again, 10 days is a very long time to be in a Trauma ICU ward without going stir crazy and getting cabin fever. We would love it if he could get into a normal hospital room and be able to stand up or even get around in a wheelchair for a change of scenery, but before that can happen there needs to be a good way to support his damaged arm and allow him to move around while still attached to the wound VAC pump and catheter. Today when he tried to walk a bit, his pulse spiked, so they were not able to have him try that any longer.

It is such an encouragement to be a part of the Body of Christ. So many other believers have gone out of their way to help us, even though they have never met us before. The bond of the Spirit and the relationship we have through the blood of Christ is amazing.

The Psalms, especially those around 111-119 have been an encouragement. And I have been deeply touched by the song "Well Done" by The Afters.

Grace and peace to each of you.

Todd for Matthew as well as Pamala, Timothy, Jonathan, Elizabeth and Stephen, Kirsten, Daniel and Ariela

Donate to Matthew's GoFundMe campaign