Subject: Leaving for Croatia tomorrow morning

Above: our team practicing Bible skits and songs in our living room. Below: Ariela and her cousin packing candy to give out at Vacation Bible School; Pam packing suitcases, including VBS supplies

Tomorrow morning, we leave for our 15-day trip to Croatia. Please join us in prayer for the following:

1. Pray for good health and for us to quickly adjust to the time difference (7 hours ahead of our US time). Todd, Pamala, Daniel, Ariela, and four young adults from our church (Josiah, Julie, Louis, and Vivian) will fly tomorrow from Kansas City-Chicago-Frankfurt-Zagreb, Croatia.

2. Pray for good weather so that we can hold all five sessions of Vacation Bible School outdoors in the two Roma villages as well as the two days of day camp for teens, and for good attendance at all the meetings.

3. Pray that the message of Christ will be clear to the Roma children, teens, and adults who hear it and that God will open their hearts to turn to Him.

4. Pray for Ariela, who has an upper respiratory infection and cough, to heal quickly.

5. Pray for Pamala as she finishes packing.

6. Pray for Todd to finalize logistics and prepare a sermon and several devotional talks.

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