Subject: It's here: The first Scripture in this Roma language!

It's here: the first Scripture ever in this Romani dialect!         View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
New Scripture booklet
For years we have worked on, prayed for and labored to see this day. Thanks to God's grace and His using Wycliffe Bible Translators, Operational Mobilization East and Roma Bible Society, yesterday we were able to receive the 500 copies of the first Scripture portion ever printed in the Hungarian Munteoni Bayash dialect. Pictured above are four dear co-workers with OM East who drove the booklets to Hungary yesterday. The booklet, entitled "Jesus is Lord", has five passages from the Gospel of Luke and an explanation that Jesus is Lord over all--over sickness (healing of the centurion's servant), storms (calming the sea), demons (casting out the demon from the Gadarene man), and sin (the Prodigal Son, and the story of Zaccheus). It is such a joy to hold this booklet in our hands!

Rejoice with us in this milestone and please pray that when these booklets are distributed in southern Hungary that the Lord will use them to draw many Munteon Roma (Gypsies) to become fully devoted followers of Jesus who is Lord.

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Orlando, FL 32832
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Please designate for account 110250
for Todd & Pamala Price
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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