Subject: Housing needed in KC; Kirsten's school needs; Bible translation workshop next week

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A few hours ago we got home to Slavonski Brod, Croatia, after a week at a conference in Slovenia. This beautiful, double rainbow (pictured here at the intersection by our house) greeted us as we arrived home.
We are so thankful for First Baptist, Cleveland, TN, and their servants hearts to send a team to hold a fantastic VBS for our kids during our conference in Slovenia.

Thank you that we can bring our prayer needs to you all. Here are the latest:

1. We will be in Kansas City soon and are in need of a place to stay for three weeks, May 20-June 5 and June 14-20. We will be getting our driver’s licenses renewed, having some dental and medical appointments, visiting our adult children and our parents, and attending our niece’s wedding. It would be ideal to be able to stay in or near Blue Springs, MO. We’ll need a place for Todd, Pamala, Kirsten (15), Daniel (11) and Ariela (7). (The place where we were hoping to stay has fallen through and the time is rapidly approaching.) Please pray and let us know if you know of a potential place where we could stay.

2. Kirsten has been accepted to attend Black Forest Academy in Kandern, Germany for her 10th grade year, starting this August! Kirsten is the only teenage, English-speaking missionary kid in our area so this is a great answer to prayer and we are very grateful. At the same time, this is quite a challenge financially. The cost will be around $17,000 for tuition, room and board, supplies, fees, travel to and from Germany, etc.

This financial need is in addition to and separate from our our missionary support. Please pray that the Lord will provide. If you would be interested in giving toward this need, there are three options.

(a) You can give directly to Black Forest Academy and designate it for Kirsten G. Price’s account. Go to Please let us know if you do that so we can thank you!

(b) Give directly to us through PayPal for or by check to Todd or Pamala Price, 15703 Allen Ave, Belton, MO 64012. This will not be a tax-deductible gift.

(c) Give the normal way through Pioneers for a tax-deductible receipt, but please inform us directly of the amount that is for Kirsten’s schooling. (FYI, we will then pay around 15% of the gift in income taxes.)

3. Starting next week, we will hold seven days of Bible translation workshops here in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. Our translation consultant is coming from the States and we plan to check and edit the translation of Luke chapters 1-3 and 11 in the various Roma dialects. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance, health, wisdom and progress in editing and improving these Bible translation drafts. Please pray also for spiritual protection from the enemy who does not want God’s Word translated.

Thank you for praying!

Todd & Pamala
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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