Subject: Help wanted

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Help Wanted

On Thursday we fly back to Croatia to continue the work of Bible translation there. I am reminded of the enormity of the task and wanted to ask you to please pray for more laborers for the harvest. Below are the specific needs we have. Please pray for them and pass this information on to any others who might be interested in fulfilling these needs.
Our Mission: Our passion is that the Roma Gypsies of former Yugoslavia will exalt Jesus using the Bible in their mother tongues! In order to do this, we need help. We are currently translating the Bible for 5 Roma (Gypsy) people groups ( Bayash, Ludari, Arli, Gurbet and Chergash) who live in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Montenegro. The total population is very hard to gauge but estimates are between 50,000 and 300,000 speakers of these languages.

Specific workers needed: Bible translators, literacy workers, language survey workers, linguists, Scripture Engagement (Use) workers, project managers

Salary and location: Team members will need to raise their own financial support, including salary and business expenses and relocate to Slavonski Brod, Croatia. They will need to learn Croatian (and a Roma dialect as needed), or else raise funds to hire a translator.

We currently have needs for the following types of workers:

Bible translators: We need trained translators to help with the process of Bible translation into these 5 languages.

Language surveyors: These workers would visit Roma (Gypsy) homes in villages and cities around former Yugoslavia to survey which languages are spoken where.

Literacy workers: These workers would teach both children and adults to read in their Roma languages.

Linguists: These workers would analyze and learn a Roma language and develop a dictionary, grammar and reading primer.

Scripture Engagement: These workers will visit Roma homes in villages and cities and encourage the Roma to listen to and, if possible, read the Scriptures that have been translated. This will include use of printed materials, audio Scripture, Internet sites and apps.

Web, app, tech and design: These workers will put the translated Scriptures on the web and into apps, and maintain the sites and apps.

Media and distribution: These workers will use social media, web sites and distribution of printed materials to encourage the use of translated Scriptures.

Administrative assistants: These workers would help with spell checking, formatting the Bible translation text, inserting illustrations and maps into the text, keeping track of copyright information of illustration and map usage, taking care of logistics of room and board for translators, filing, copying, scanning, and doing accounting work for the payments of translator salaries and related expenses.

Project managers: These workers would manage the myriad details of shepherding a translation project through each step from beginning to end. These workers must be very well organized, like details, and work well with other people from different nationalities and background.

Inquiries: For more information, contact

PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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