Subject: Great women's retreat; prep for preaching; preparing Roma Scripture portion

       Great women's retreat; prep for preaching; preparing Roma Scripture portion       View this e-mail online if it doesn't display correctly.
Dear praying friends,

1. Thank you for praying for us. The Lord answered and gave Pam a wonderful time as she spoke on prayer to the women of Fellowship Bible Church (Oskaloosa, IA). I preached Sunday morning there and that evening we both shared an update on our work among the Roma.

2. Please pray for me as I prepare my sermon to speak at Dale Church (Centerville, IA) this Sunday. Pray for the Lord to give me the words and wisdom and time to prepare.

3. We have been asking you to pray for our missionary colleague, Andrea, who is fighting breast cancer. We just got word that it has spread to her lymph node and we ask that you would pray for complete healing.

4. I wanted to clarify something we mentioned in our last e-mail. The fact that we have been receiving 110% of our budgeted support each month (praise God!) doesn't mean we've been living "high on the hog". We still take out the same salary each month, and excess money that is given is held until we need it for various ministry expenses. As I had mentioned in a blog post a year ago, More Money = More Ministry.

5. With home assignment travels and speaking, I have not been able to give time to Bible translation that I would have liked to. Our partners back in Europe are waiting on me to get some work done so that they can print a booklet that has five stories in Hungarian Munteon Bayash, the very first Scripture ever in this Roma dialect. Please pray for time and the Lord's enabling to get this Scripture portion finished through layout and printing.

Thank you all so much for praying! We are blessed to have you as friends and supporters!
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