Subject: God is at work in Slavonski Brod (part 1)

An update for Todd & Pam Price: Pray for Slavonski Brod (part 1)

Our dear fellow missionary, Željka, recently shared some of the history of the ministry among Roma in Slavonski Brod, Croatia. I'm passing on to you my translation of this first part of her update, in order to praise God for what he has done and to ask you to continue to pray for this Roma village.
A surprising ministry
Ministry in the Roma village in Slavonski Brod (Croatia) was started by missionaries, Andy & Lim Warner, in 2011. Before they began this ministry, they had visited and helped other brothers and sisters who ministered to Roma. Also, for a number of years Andy and Lim had had Roma friends and brothers and their families in the Roma village in Slavonski Brod. Then one time they had the idea of trying a ministry for the Roma children in Brod. Brothers and sisters whom they had helped now came to help them. They organized a three-day UNA Bible festival for children to which they invited all the children in the village aged 4-12. More than 200 children came. At the end of the UNA festival, brothers and sisters from Romania came and did evangelism for the adults. Many people from the village came, many asked for prayer, and many opened their hearts to the Lord. It was like a dream and everything happened so quickly and unexpectedly.
There was no plan for continued ministry with the adults. No one was able to come and help. If anyone would have come, there were no finances to pay them. However, they could at least continue ministry with the children. The plan was to have an UNA Bible club once a month. Since winter was coming, and the village did not have a community center or any kind of empty building, [they] had to go door to door in the Roma village and look for someone who might want to have an UNA club in their house, for their children and the children of the village.  First there were 25 families who wanted to have an UNA which was really a large number. But in the end the Lord provided 5 wonderful families with whom [they] have now had club for 2 1/2 years.  Each month [they] have four UNA clubs to which come a total of 70 children of varying ages.

I will share more of Željka's story in future updates. Praise God for what he is doing. Please pray for the children (and adults) in the Roma village in Slavonski Brod to become followers of Jesus and for a strong church to be planted in their village.

Thank you for praying!
Todd & Pamala Price

Todd L. Price, PhD | Roma Bible Translation & Training Coordinator
Szövő utca 8, Érd 2030, Hungary | +36 (70) 615 5590 | +1 (816) 463 7746
Skype: toddprice |

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