Subject: Giving Tuesday; family update; Bible translation progress update

We’ve heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But don’t forget Giving Tuesday, which is November 30–it’s a day to give back and to focus on sharing with others.

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support for us and the ministry of Bible translation.

If you would like to donate, please use the Donate button at the bottom of this e-mail to donate online, mail a check to Pioneers at 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL, 32832 (designated for account #110250 Todd & Pamala Price), or call them at (407) 382-6000. Thank you so much. We are so very grateful for your partnership in the Gospel!

I’ve been working via Zoom with Zoki and Stanoja in Croatia to edit and make corrections to 50 chronological Bible stories in the Ludari language. We recently finished checking story 43 and will be working this week to finish up checking through story 50. In the picture below you can see the Ludari text that we work through together online. Pictured below is the story of Jesus’ crucifixion.

In the Gurbet language, Goran is drafting the first translation ever of Ruth, Jonah and Esther. (Pictured below is his granddaughter reading Luke 18:16 in the Gurbet language.) In the Arli language, the translators are beginning their studies for a Diploma in Bible Translation, the first step of which is translating the class notes for students from English into Serbian.

Ariela’s dance club held a wonderful performance at a local nursing home in Kansas City. They performed several dance routines, samples of music throughout American history, and she did a great job (see pictures below).

We had fun eating Serbian food, listening to Serbian music and watching folk dancing at a Serbian festival at the Serbian Orthodox church in Kansas City last week (see pictures below).

I (Todd) visited my mom, Geri Price, at her nursing home in Oklahoma City. We had a nice visit and she enjoyed reading the Thanksgiving card and the artwork from the kids.

Please keep the following in prayer:

  1. Please pray for the remaining $1,200 per month we need in financial pledges in order to be at 100% of our needed pledges.

  2. Please pray for Ludari translator, Zoki’s, one and a half year-old daughter who will undergo a hernia operation on Thursday.

  3. Praise God for providing the needed translators for the Arli language. It looks like we may have the translators we need for the Gurbet language; please pray that those details will work out soon.

  4. Please pray that everything goes well for closing on a house purchase in Belton, MO, next month.

  5. Pray for Pamala as she heads to Cross Roads, TX, this weekend with Ariela and Daniel. Pam and her sisters will be packing their mom’s residence and we will be moving her to Belton, MO. Moving is always a huge task; please pray for grace and strength for all involved and good time efficiency in packing and disposing of her mom’s things.

Thank you so much for being there for us in prayer!


To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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