Subject: Found a townhouse; began the process of getting Matthew a prosthesis; continuing to pack Croatia house

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(above) Ariela & Kirsten making cupcakes at home in Croatia

(below) Ariela's artwork and Spring bouquet for Mommy

Thank you for praying for us! 1) Praise God that we heard back from the apartment complex to which we applied that they have approved our application to move into a rental townhouse in Kansas City, MO, on May 1st! We have not seen the townhouse in person yet, but Matthew and I plan to go this week to view it. Pam and the kids in Croatia will be on video chat with us then so I can walk through and show them the new place, which will be helpful for Pam to know what we will need for the home as she packs up our rented house in Croatia. 2) Please pray for God to give Pam much strength and stamina in packing, and wisdom to know what to bring to the States and what to give away. Pray that we can distribute the things we are not taking, which currently isn't possible with the lockdown due to COVID-19.

3) Praise God also that we had a very constructive appointment at Advanced Arm Dynamics in Overland Park, KS, on Monday. They patiently worked with us and explained to us the options for the type of prosthesis that they could design for Matthew. We are very thankful that they feel confident that they can create one which will allow Matthew to flex the prosthetic arm at the elbow and then rotate and open and close a prosthetic hand or hook. When Matthew's chest and back muscles on his upper left side had been tested in San Francisco a few weeks ago, they showed no electrical impulses. But yesterday, when they tested them in Overland Park, they detected impulses as he flexed his chest and back, which will be enough to power an electrical elbow, wrist, and hand. We 4) praise God for this glorious good news!

Prostheses are not cheap. 5) Please pray that our insurance will approve the very best prosthetic arm option for Matthew, that the approval will come quickly, and that Advanced Arm Dynamics can begin building the prosthesis very soon with insurance approval.

Please continue to 6) pray for what to do with our car in Croatia. The registration runs out late next month, and we will not be getting new visas and registering it annually.

We have begun getting hospital and doctor bills and trying to sort out what insurance will cover. (The first of the two hospitals in San Francisco has billed our insurance for over $1,000,000. We have not yet seen bills from the second hospital.) Some of the bills are being disputed or denied by our insurance. Would you please 7) pray that insurance will cover as much of the costs as possible. Pray also that our applications for disability insurance payments, as well as Medi-Cal coverage for Matthew will be approved.

Last week I filled out a lengthy report on the progress on the Bible translations in the previous six months. We 8) praise God for milestones met for four languages of finishing over half of the Gospel of Luke, printing out Luke chapters 1-2, completing and printing a 685-page full-color, illustrated Bible storybook with 50 stories, and beginning the process of making audio recordings of these stories and Luke. Please continue to 9) pray for me, the 11 Roma translators, and seven Croatian translators, and our international consultant as we continue to progress on translating and editing Luke and various other sections of the New Testament, for God's enablement to clearly and accurately translate His Word.

Thank you all for praying for us!


Todd L. Price, PhD

Roma Bible Translation Team Coordinator


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