Subject: Flying to Serbia tomorrow (The Prices Write)

Dear praying friends,

Tomorrow I travel to Jagodina (which means “strawberry”; shown on map above), Serbia, to teach a class on biblical exegesis for a week. The Roma translators I consult are taking this course on how to discover the meaning of a Bible passage as part of their training, and they will be joined by a new team from Albania. That team is launching a project to translate the Bible into another Roma language spoken in Albania. I will lecture three hours per day, Monday through Friday, teaching in English and being translated into Serbian and Albanian. We will be looking at principles that will help the Roma translators find the original meaning of the verse they are translating, introduce them to reference materials that can help them in that process, and also practice together on numerous Bible verses.

Todd's 57th birthday

We recently finished checking James in the three Roma languages, and have started on the Gospel of John. James took about three weeks and we anticipate that John will take about four months.

Last weekend we spoke in Sully, IA, (pictured above) where we celebrated the 100th anniversary of Sully Community Church, one of the churches that has faithfully supported us in prayer and monthly financial support for about 30 years! We enjoyed seeing many friends and getting to know our host family, who took us kayaking (pictured below).

Ariela (12)

Daniel (15)

I’ve had the privilege of teaching a couple of Equipping Hour classes at our home church. One was on how the New Testament was copied, and another was on Belonging (and Loving Your Church). You can hear the audio of these messages at:

Due to inflation, an increase in our property taxes and an increase in our health insurance premium, we currently lack $545 in monthly pledges. We are very grateful for two new individual monthly supporters and for one of our supporting churches and an individual supporter who increased their monthly pledges recently. Please pray for the remaining pledges we need. If you would like to give or increase your giving, please see the giving information at the bottom of the page.

Thank you to all of you who faithfully pray for us and financially support us in the work of Bible translation for the Roma!

Todd & Pamala (Kirsten, Daniel & Ariela)

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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