Subject: Father's Day, visits with parents, Bible translation progress (The Prices Write, July 2021)


We enjoyed a relaxing Father’s Day at home, with the kids coming by to visit (L-R: Timothy 30, Daniel 13, Kirsten 17, me, Elizabeth Sell 25, Ariela 9, Stephen Sell 25, Matthew 22, [Jonathan 29 in San Francisco]). This was my first Father’s Day since my dad passed away so it was bittersweet in that sense.

Pam’s mom, Barbie Hughes, was able to visit us and family here in Kansas City for several days. It was nice to catch up with her, and then I drove her back home to Dallas.

Then I was able to visit my mom in Oklahoma City on the way back home. She is adjusting well to living in the nursing home there. We are thankful that we can be in the States at this time to be with our aging parents.

Checking Luke chapter 14 via Zoom with translators in Croatia meeting with Bible translation consultant in the US


We are getting closer to the end of phase one of our Bible translation project, which means finishing the Gospel of Luke and 50 illustrated Bible stories. There is still a lot of work to do in the five languages. Please pray that we can finish four of the languages in August and be able to print and distribute Luke and the book of illustrated Bible stories in September.

Lord willing, in September I will travel to Croatia and Serbia to distribute these books and Scriptures with the Roma translators in their various towns. On this trip, I also plan to introduce the Roma translators to Pierre van Vuuren. Pierre is a Bible translator with The Word for the World, and he and his team have almost completed the entire Bible in a related Roma language spoken in Slovakia. For phase two of the project, which will include more of the New Testament, Pierre and The Word for the World have agreed to take over my role as project coordinator for the five Roma languages. My role will move to that of Bible translation consultant which means I can focus on the final exegetical check of the translations, while a team from The Word for the World steps in to handle all the other parts of the translation process including training the translators, drafting, editing, testing, printing and distributing the translations. This will significantly speed up the process of translation so we can finish it in a timely manner.

Enjoying the nice weather, doing Bible translation on our front porch while Matthew works

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial giving!


Todd & Pamala

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832


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