Subject: Family time in Oklahoma & Texas; and church FAQ

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Family time in Oklahoma and Texas

Our visit to the States is drawing to a close. We’re thankful we were able to spend time visiting family in Oklahoma and Texas.
Todd with Mom and Dad (Max & Geri Price) in Oklahoma City
Ariela and Daniel with Todd’s sister, Tracey, in Oklahoma City
Ariela having a tea party with cousin, Jathan, in Cross Roads, TX
Todd & Pam with 2nd cousin, Abel, in Corinth, TX
Pam with Mom and Dad (Mal & Barbie Hughes) in Cross Roads, TX
Frequently Asked Questions
(Prayer Requests & Praise)

One of our supporting churches recently asked us to answer the following questionnaire. We wanted to share it with you as well.

1. What do you consider to be your greatest success this past year? What was your greatest frustration?

Success: We have made good progress on the Bible translation in the 5 Roma languages. In 4 of them we have drafted Luke chapters 1-10 and 50 Bible stories. In the 5th language, we have drafted 22 of the 50 Bible stories.

Frustration: It is too much for one person (me) to be doing to try to coordinate 5 Bible translation projects. It is frustrating that progress seems so slow because there are so many steps in the translation process and so many details to attend to, lack of time get it all done, and a lot of pressure to meet the deadline of finishing Matthew, Mark, Luke and 50 stories in 4 languages, and Luke and 50 stories in the 5th language by January 2021.

2. What goals or plans do you have for the coming year?

We plan to continue to work on checking and editing the drafts of the 50 Bible stories in the 5 Roma languages and continue translating Luke in the 5 languages, finishing us much as possible in 2019. 

It would be nice to be able to publish the 50 stories and parts of Luke 1-3 which tell the story of the birth of Christ, in time for Christmas.

3. In terms of financial support, what is your current support level and your target budget for ministry?

We currently have 97% pledged but 112% coming in of our $9,550 monthly target. We lack $315 per month in monthly pledges to have our support fully pledged.

4. How can the church best pray for you in the coming year?

a. Pray for Kirsten as she adjusts to attending Black Forest Academy (BFA) in Kandern, Germany, this coming school year for 10th grade. Pray for the remaining $10,000 needed to pay for her year at BFA.

b. Pray we will receive our Croatian visas and work permits, be able to renew our Croatian car registration and get Croatian driver’s licenses as soon as possible.

c. Pray for more laborers to help with the Bible translation projects. We currently need linguists, translators, literacy workers and administrators to help. 

d. Pray we can meet the deadline of finishing Matthew, Mark, Luke and 50 Bible stories in 4 of the Roma languages, and Luke and 50 Bible stories in the 5th Roma language, by January 2021.
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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