Subject: Family time in Kansas City & Wisconsin; Bible translation progress & prayer requests for Roma translators

We are enjoying Jonathan’s visit from San Francisco. It has been a long time since we’ve all been together in one place! (L-R: Timothy 30, Kirsten 17, Jonathan 29, Pamala & Todd ? :), Daniel 13, Stephen & Elizabeth 26, Ariela 9, Matthew 22)

The kids have enjoyed time together (tennis, cookout, frisbee, badminton, and meals together)

Big brother, Jonathan (29), teaching math to Ariela (9)

Daniel (13) enjoying his new pet bird

Ariela’s outfit for her role in the upcoming Peter Pan, Jr. play

We are enjoying having Jonathan visiting us this week from San Francisco. It has been great to have everyone together in one place! Please hold Jonathan up in prayer as he begins planning for going to graduate school for a degree in math.

The prosthetics company Matthew has been working with for a year was unable to get the insurance approval needed, so he is now starting from scratch with two other companies in Kansas City. Please pray that they will be able to get approval for a prosthetic arm and begin the process of fitting him for that soon.

Thank you for praying for our Bayash language Bible translators. Natasha had a very difficult pregnancy but recently gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Mia. Her father, Nedeljko, is suffering from extensive failure in both kidneys. Pray as the doctors perform more tests and also pray that he will be able to very soon receive a transplant for both kidneys. Their extended family has had major health challenges this year with relatives also suffering from COVID or COVID vaccination complications. One exciting happening is that Natasha’s younger sister recently dedicated her life to Christ. And she read the Bible stories we translated into her language, Bayash, and understood all of it. PTL!

Several from Pam’s side of the family at our nephew’s wedding in Edgerton, Wisconsin

At our nephew’s wedding

We enjoyed a mini family reunion when we gathered in Edgerton, Wisconsin, to celebrate the wedding of our nephew. It was nice that Pam’s mom as well as her three sisters and many nieces and nephews (from Texas, Missouri, Minnesota and Wisconsin) were able to be together for a couple days.

I recently finished my exegetical check in the Gospel of Luke in the Ludari Roma language for 21 out of 24 chapters, and as a team we are proceeding with the next checks for 12 out of 24 chapters. Please pray for wisdom and God’s enablement as we work on Luke in the Ludari language, and that we can meet the deadline of finishing the majority of it by the end of August.

Multiple screens open as we work on editing the Gospel of Luke chapter 11 in the Ludari Roma language, with the translators in Croatia

Thank you for your faithful prayers and financial giving!


Todd & Pamala

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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