Subject: Days 12-14, Croatia trip: visiting church, friends and translators

Hello from the airport in Brussels, Belgium, where we are awaiting our flight back to the US. Thank you for continuing to pray for us on our Croatia trip.

After taking the summer team college students to the airport in Zagreb, the capital city on Saturday, we spent a few days in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, where we used to live.

We also went to church at the Croatian Baptist church we used to attend and gave them an update on our family and ministry, had supper with another summer team from Nashville who do an annual outreach with the church, and were able to hang out with some of our Croatia friends, and Ariela got to spend the night with her Croatian friend.

We went by the house where we used to live, saw the storks that live on our old street corner, went to a lot of the shops where we used to go, enjoyed coffee and ice cream on the walking strip in town, saw the parks the kids used to play in and the place where Ariela took ballet.

Our Croatian teammates took us across the border into Bosnia and treated us to a special lunch of ćevapi. We also visited the families of some of the former and current Bible translators who live in Slavonski Brod and Vukovar, Croatia.

It was nice to be with our “old” team and church in Croatia. Below are pictures of the sights and our friends.

We got up at 2 am this morning to get to the airport for our return flights to the US. We’d appreciate prayer for safe flights, rest on the flights, and good adjustment back to our US time zone. Thank you for your constant encouragement and prayers.


Todd & Pamala

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