Subject: Day 8, Croatia trip: 1st day of teen day camp

Thank you for your prayers. Yesterday our team drove 15 Roma teens from the Roma village into the city where we met in the park by the river. After praying and singing a couple of praise songs, one of our summer teamers (Christian) gave a gospel-centered sermon and another (Anna) gave her testimony. After that, Todd and Pam showed the teens the recently-translated Gospel of Luke in their Roma language, Ludari, and played the audio of Luke chapter 15, the story of the lost coin, lost sheep, and lost (prodigal) son. After that, we had lunch together, and the kids decorated T-shirts and played soccer and ultimate Frisbee.

We praise God that the kids were very well-behaved and listened attentively to the messages and Luke 15. Please pray that God’s truth will hit home and bring these teens to Christ. Pray they will be lifetime disciples of Jesus.

The pictures below are of Pam and Ariela shopping for food, the team preparing sandwiches beforehand, the kids gathered at the park, Christian preaching, Anna giving her testimony, Todd explaining the format and spelling of the Gospel of Luke in their language, of them listening to the audio recording of Luke 15, and of the kids making T-shirts.

Thank you for your prayers and support,

Todd & Pamala

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