Subject: Day 6 of Croatia trip: VBS in two villages

Thank you for your faithful prayers for us.

This morning we went to the smaller of the two villages, where the Bayash language is spoken. We received a very warm welcome with about 50 excited kids attending, and 15 or so interested teenagers and parents watching also. We repeated the same program which we had done in the bigger village the day before, with the theme of “Jesus is God’s Beloved Son” and Bible verses and a story based on Jesus’ baptism and temptation. We held the club in the Croatian language, but also played the audio in Bayash of the passages we had translated from Luke’s Gospel, and showed the pictures and played the audio in Bayash of the Bible stories we have translated.

After some grocery shopping and a very filling lunch of burek (the other famous Bosnian fast food), we prepared for the second day in the bigger village and practiced the new Bible story skit.

In the evening we went out to the big village, where the Ludari language is spoken. Our theme was “Jesus has all power.” We sang several songs in Croatian, acted out in Croatian the story of the beginning of Jesus’ ministry from Luke 4:31-44, played a game to memorize Luke 4:36 in Croatia, listened to the same passage Luke 4:31-44 in the Ludari language, listened to the Bible story of Jesus early ministry which we also have translated into the Ludari language, had a message on forgiveness and played “Simon Says”, to emphasize the importance of doing only what God says to do.

Below are pictures from both clubs. Please continue to pray for lasting fruit for God’s kingdom among the people of these two Roma villages, for the glory of our great God.

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