Subject: Day 6, Croatia trip: VBS lesson--Jesus calms the storm

Thank you for your faithful prayers. We had an excellent VBS session. There were around 60 kids who attended. The lesson was on Jesus calming the storm. The kids listened really well, the team did a fantastic job acting out the story, and the children did a good job making their handcraft of a bracelet. They really enjoyed the songs, which we were able to do with gusto! They also had fun with the games. The weather was hot, but not unbearable, and there was even some nice cloud cover. Also, the older teen boys who can often cause trouble were absent for most of the VBS session, and were pretty well behaved for the rest, and did not cause disruptions.

After the club meeting, Pam and I were able to play the Ludari (Roma) translation of several Bible stories and a few chapters from the Gospel of Luke for two Roma families. We're very grateful for the opportunity to share this newly-translated Scripture with the people of this Roma village.

Below are pictures from the VBS day and from our time sharing the Bible stories and chapters from Luke.

I'm so glad we can come to you and bring these prayer requests and praises. Thank you for praying.

Todd & Pamala

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