Subject: Day 5 of Croatia trip: First day of VBS

Thank you for your faithful prayers. Today we attended worship services at a nearby Croatian Baptist Church in the morning, enjoyed čevapi (a special, Bosnian fast food) for lunch, and then in the early afternoon we practiced and rehearsed the program for our first day of VBS.

In the early evening we headed to the big village (Ludari language), praying that God would hold off the rain. He did (!) and the cloud cover kept it much cooler than the previous day.

We had about 60 Roma children for VBS and about 20 more teens and adults who also came to the program. The theme was “Jesus is God’s Beloved Son”. We sang several lively Bible songs in Croatian, acted out a skit of Jesus’ baptism and temptation in Croatian, played the audio of Luke 3:21-22 and 4:1-13 (about Jesus’ baptism and temptation) in the Ludari language, played a game to memorize Luke 3:22 in Croatian, made a craft of a visor, listened to the audio in Ludari along with pictures of the stories of Jesus’ baptism and temptation, played charades, prayed and had a short lesson on God’s love for us.

Please pray that the truths of the Gospel which were proclaimed will find good soil and bear much fruit for God’s glory. Please pray for tomorrow as we do the same program in a smaller Bayash village, and also do our second day at this bigger Ludari village, and that again it will not rain.

Below are pictures from the camp, which is held outside in a field in the Roma village.

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