Subject: Day 3-4: Preparations for VBS in Croatia

Thank you for your continued prayers. Tomorrow, we will begin our Bible clubs (Vacation Bible School) with the Roma children.

Yesterday and today, we have been meeting together as a team for worship and devotions, and Pam and I and the Pioneers missionaries have been sharing with the summer team our testimonies and calls to mission work, as well as information about the Roma culture and ministry methods in working with the Roma. We also did a lot of grocery shopping, gathering what we would need to make our own meals for the week.

Then, we visited the two Roma villages where we will hold the Bible clubs to tell the kids and their parents that we will be holding the clubs on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday.

  1. Praise God for answering your prayers: the Bible storybooks and Gospel of Luke we printed were delivered to us yesterday!

  2. Please pray for good attendance at the club, strength and good health for our team, good weather since we meet outside, and for the Lord to open hearts for the gospel.

Below are pictures of our team worship time and preparation meetings, the Bible storybooks in the two Roma languages, and Pam with some of the Roma kids in one of the villages.

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