Subject: Day 1-2: Travel to Croatia

Thank you for your prayers for our trip. All eight of us (Todd, Pamala, Daniel, Ariela, Josiah, Julie, Louis and Vivan) arrived safe and sound at our destination in Croatia, where we were met by the Pioneers team of four, who live and work in Croatia with the Roma.

We are grateful for God’s mercy that all our luggage arrived with us, and the entire trip was smooth and uneventful. None of us got enough sleep on the flights or during layovers, and our bodies are seven hours behind, so please pray that we will all sleep well tonight and adjust quickly to Croatian time. Thank you for praying for Ariela. Though she still has a cough, she is feeling much better. We’d appreciate continued prayers for her complete healing for Ariela.

The Croatian printer who promised to complete the books on time has not yet done so. These are illustrated storybooks in color with 50 chronological Bible stories in the Ludari and Bayash languages and the Gospel of Luke in Bayash that we will be distributing at the Vacation Bible School and teen day camp. Please pray the books arrive as soon as possible.

Tomorrow’s schedule includes devotions as a team, grocery shopping for the food for this week, visiting various shops in the town of Sisak, preparing team meals, and listening to our Croatia teammates, Andy, Lim, Sergej, and Željka share their testimonies so the summer teamers can get to know them better.

Below are a few pictures of our travels and our orientation this afternoon (Croatian time), which covered the schedule for the week and the logistics of living at the ministry house.

Thanks for your prayers.

Todd & Pamala

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