Subject: Daily prayer calendar for September 2016 (The Prices Write, part 3)

Daily prayer calendar for September 2016 (The Prices Write, part 3)         View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Roma Bible Society: Why we do what we do
(For this prayer calendar in a format designed for printing, click here:

Sept 1 Praise for safety over 1,400 miles driven on Decade of the Book tour in Serbia
Sept 2 Pray that Goran will be able to begin Gurbet Bible translation soon
Sept 3 Pray for wisdom & insight for Goran when he translates
Sept 4 Praise that Jonathan was able to visit us in Budapest for a few weeks
Sept 5 Pray for a great start to our new home school year
Sept 6 Pray Biljana can begin Čegarski Bible translation soon
Sept 7 Pray for wisdom & insight for Biljana when she translates
Sept 8 Todd’s dad turns 79 today. Praise for good health & how much he helps Todd’s mom
Sept 9 Pray for strength & daily joy for Todd’s mom with Parkinson’s disease
Sept 10 Praise God for your generous financial support for this ministry!
Sept 11 Pray for productivity in producing Greek NT for translation projects
Sept 12 Praise for summer teamer, Curtis Chapin, who came on Serbia tour
Sept 13 Pray for wisdom for Curtis regarding future ministry
Sept 14 Pray for financial support so Elizabeth & Stephen can join us soon
Sept 15 Pray for safe & smooth flights for Joy returning from Australia
Sept 16 Pray for Joy adjusting to time change & moving into new apartment in Budapest
Sept 17 Pray for wisdom for us as board of the Roma Bible Society
Sept 18 Praise for friends’ car Pam could use while Todd was in Serbia for 2 weeks
Sept 19 Pray for productivity in producing Greek lexicon for Bible translation work Sept 20 Pray for good health for RBU director, Bob Hitching
Sept 21 Todd’s 50th birthday today. (He’s attending Roma meetings today thru Sat.)
Sept 22 Pray for good networking at the Roma Network meetings in Békés, Hungary
Sept 23 Pray Todd can meet & inspire Roma for Bible translation during these meetings
Sept 24 Pray we can come away with Bible translation partners from these meetings
Sept 25 Pray for Nancy Hitching, Bob’s wife, raising funds for RBU in the States
Sept 26 Pray for mother-tongue Bible translation in Apatin, Serbia
Sept 27 Pray for spiritual fruit in Roma village in Apatin, Serbia
Sept 28 Pray for the 5-6 Hungarians who made professions of faith at English camp in July
Sept 29 Pray a Bible study can begin for those who live far from a Hungarian church
Sept 30 Pray for monthly financial support for RBU national missionaries

Below: Ariela's first day of kindergarten (age 5, home school)
Donations can be sent to:
10123 William Carey Dr.
Orlando, FL 32832
Or made online at:
Please designate for account 110250
for Todd & Pamala Price
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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