Subject: Daily prayer calendar for October 2015

Daily prayer calendar for October 2015        View this e-mail online if it doesn't display correctly.
Daily Prayer Requests and Praises for October 2015

Thank you so much for praying for this ministry!

For our letter and calendar formatted for printing, go here:

This month, please especially pray 2 Thessalonians 3:1, “…pray for us that the word of the Lord may spread rapidly and be glorified …” and Colossians 4:3-4, “And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for the word, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ … Pray that I may proclaim it clearly …”

Oct 1
pray the word of the Lord may spread rapidly & be glorified among all Roma
Oct 2 for Pam & Elizabeth at Abundant Life Baptist Church women’s retreat
Oct 3 for the Word to spread among the Bayash Roma in NW Croatia (incl. Sitnice & Trnovec)
Oct 4 for God’s empowering presence, speaking at 1st Baptist Church Chariton, IA
Oct 5 Praise God for bringing our teammate Joy Hill back to Budapest to serve with us!
Oct 6 that God will move mightily as we speak at 2nd Baptist Church, Liberty, MO
Oct 7 for Roma in NW Croatia to have a passion to translate God’s Word into their dialects
Oct 8 for God to open a door for the word in NE Croatia (Slavonski Brod & nearby villages)
Oct 9 for God to raise up Roma in these villages to translate the Bible into their dialects
Oct 10 for Matthew learning to drive, for safety in the process & to pass his test
Oct 11 God’s presence speaking at Master’s Community Church, Kansas City, KS Oct 12 for the mystery of Christ to be proclaimed among Roma in NE Croatia
Oct 13 for the Word of the Lord to spread rapidly among Roma in southern Hungary Oct 14 for Roma in southern Hungary to have a passion to translate the Bible into their dialects
Oct 15 for Kirsten to follow hard after God, putting Him & His Word first in her life
Oct 16 Praise for safety in our 11,000 miles of travel so far, & driver’s training for Matthew
17 Pam speaking on prayer at Fellowship Bible Church women’s retreat
Oct 18 speaking at Fellowship Bible Church, Oskaloosa, IA
Oct 19 pray that many people will be faithful daily prayer partners for us
Oct 20 for God’s Spirit to move mightily in churches where we have spoken
Oct 21 for God’s mighty work in Jonathan as a senior at Truman State University
Oct 22 for Joy Hill as she takes Hungarian language classes this semester
Oct 23 Praise for Matthew doing well as a dual-enrolled college student & at work
Oct 24 wisdom for Bob & Nancy Hitching leading the team all over eastern Europe
Oct 25 Praise for God’s provision of our friend’s home to live in in Kansas City for furlough
Oct 26 Stephen & Elizabeth preparing to go to Hungary to work among the Roma
Oct 27 for healing for Andrea, missionary mother of 5, diagnosed with breast cancer Oct 28 for the Word to spread rapidly among Roma in Serbia
Oct 29 God to raise up Roma in Serbia with a heart to translate the Bible into their dialects
Oct 30 Praise for Timothy’s job serving mentally delayed adults, & our time w/ him at home
Oct 31 Pray the Reformation which began 498 years ago today, would re-ignite today in Europe

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