Subject: Daily prayer calendar for November 2018 (The Prices Write, part 2)

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(For this prayer list in a calendar format for printing out, go here).


Nov 1 Pray for God’s Spirit to work powerfully through us & the Bayash Roma to translate His Word

Nov 2 Praise God for funds to provide laptops for several of the Roma translators to use in Bible translation

Nov 3 Pray for good weather, helpers, & good health for Pam’s mom sorting storage for moving to Dallas

Nov 4 Pray for the Lord to teach us through what we are reading, & that He would help us be unbusy to meditate on those things

Nov 5 Pray for us as we will be gone to a get-away in Slovenia for rest & refreshment today through until Thursday

Nov 6 Pray that the Lord will strengthen & renew us as we have rest & time to reflect, think, journal, read & pray

Nov 7 Ask God to raise up more workers to help us in the various administrative & Bible translation tasks

Nov 8 Pray for teammate, Joy, as she helps her family in Australia & serves as my PA from a distance

Nov 9 Today is Timothy’s 28th birthday! Praise God with us for him & pray for a fulfilling job in Kansas City for him

Nov 10 Answer to prayer: Todd’s dad is in remission from his cancer! His mom is doing better (Parkinson's, migraines)

Nov 11 Pray for Sabbath-type rest & refreshment for us & for deep & edifying worship on Sundays

Nov 12 Pray for the Arli Roma translators for God’s guidance & enablement in all aspects of the translation ministry

Nov 13 Pray God would enable the writing of a NT Greek dictionary & grammar to help nationals in the task of Bible translation

Nov 14 Pray we can get verse-by-verse notes translated into Croatian to help the Roma in editing their Bible translation drafts

Nov 15 Pray for the Lord to work powerfully for the Ludari Roma to translate Bible stories for the first time in their language

Nov 16 Pray we can keep up with all the paperwork, financial reports, thank you notes & e-mails we need to, in a timely & joyful fashion

Nov 17 Pray for spiritual refreshment for Elizabeth & Stephen in Albania & for a special Thanksgiving time there (not to be home sick)

Nov 18 Ask God to give Kirsten spiritual hunger, to pursue God whole-heartedly & to have close Christian friends

Nov 19 Pray we can finish the Croatian translation of keyword explanations to help Roma editing their Bible translation drafts

Nov 20 Pray for Pam to be led each day by the Holy Spirit to encourage & edify others & to teach well

Nov 21 Pray for the leaders over us & our colleagues within Pioneers to do all for the glory of His name!

Nov 22 Happy Thanksgiving! Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!

Nov 23 Ask the Lord to meet Ariela & Daniel’s social needs in various forms through our guests

Nov 24 Pray for Matthew to have wisdom for his academic next steps & faith to follow Christ unreservedly

Nov 25 Pray for progress in Croatian for Daniel & Ariela & to make friendships in Sunday School

Nov 26 Pray for the Chergarsh Roma translating the Bible, for the Spirit of the Lord to enable them

Nov 27 Ask God that Jonathan would experience God’s kindness that shows His power

Nov 28 Praise God for His comfort when our family cat died last month

Nov 29 Ask for God’s guidance for Gurbet Roma translating the Bible into their language

Nov 30 Pray for Pam’s sisters as they help her 88 year old mom move from Iowa to Texas
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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