Subject: Daily prayer calendar for June 2017 (The Prices Write, part 2)

Daily prayer calendar for June 2017 (The Prices Write, part 2)         View this email online if it doesn't display correctly

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June 1 Praise God for safe trip & pray for good adjustment for Braden Phillips living with us for 6-week internship
June 2 Pray for Braden to adjust well to the time zone change, for good health & sleep
June 3 Pray for US foundation to approve our $350,000 grant application for Bible translation in 5 dialects
June 4 Pray for the Lord to provide a pastor for Danube International Church here in Budapest, Hungary
June 5 Pray for safe trips whenever Braden & Todd travel to Leskovac, Serbia
June 6 Pray for wisdom & fruitful Bible translation checking sessions with translators in Serbia & Croatia
June 7 Pray for our car to do well traveling many miles for Bible translation checking & summer outreaches
June 8 Praise God for our great trip last month to Serbia & for good time with Malinowski family
June 9 Pray for wisdom & for fruitful Bible translation sessions with Natasha, Renata & Nedeljko
June 10 Pray for wisdom for Pam for pre-furlough packing & housework
June 11 Praise God for a place for us to live in Kansas City on home assignment August 2017-January 2018
June 12 Pray for safe trips whenever Braden & Todd travel to Vukovar, Osijek & Zagreb, Croatia
June 13 Pray for sub-leasers for our Budapest rental house while we are gone on home assignment
June 14  Pray for wisdom & for fruitful Bible translation sessions with Goran, Kada & Emrush
June 15 Praise God for the repair of Todd’s laptop with very minimal data loss
June 16 Pray for wisdom & fruitful Bible translation sessions with Biljana & Djeno
June 17 Pray for peace & trust for Nancy Hitching anticipating Bob’s heart surgery on 22nd
June 18 Happy Father’s Day! Praise God for our earthly fathers who emulate God the Father.
June 19 Pray for much wisdom, unity & God’s guidance for unfoldingWord weekly video conference team meetings
June 20 Pray for wisdom & accuracy as Todd & Roma translators check the Bible translation drafts
June 21 Pray for the team writing a New Testament Greek dictionary to be used to help Bible translators
June 22 Pray that Bob Hitching’s pacemaker surgery will be successful today
June 23 Pray for the team writing a New Testament Greek dictionary to be used to help Bible translators
June 24 Pray for Roma village ministry next week to be fruitful in our kids’ spiritual lives as they minister
June 25 Pray for team from MCC in Kansas City flying to Zagreb, Croatia for week of outreach
June 26 Pray for our family driving to Croatia to join the MCC & Pioneers team for week of outreach
June 27 Pray for spiritually fruitful week of outreach in Roma village in Sisak, Croatia
June 28 Pray for good weather & lack of distractions for outdoor ministry in Roma village in Sisak
June 29 Pray for Roma hearts open to the truth in the Sisak, Croatia, village
June 30 Pray for good health & team unity for this outreach 
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Orlando, FL 32832
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for Todd & Pamala Price
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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