Subject: Daily Prayer Calendar for February 2019 (The Prices Write, part 2)

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(For this prayer list formatted as a calendar to print out, click here.)

“Yet have regard to the prayer of your servant and to his plea, O LORD my God, listening to the cry and to the prayer that your servant prays before you this day
(1 Kings 8:28 ESV)

Feb 1 Pray for Jonathan to experience God’s help in his new job

Feb 2 Pray for D & D traveling today from out of country to our Bible translation workshop

Feb 3 Pray for our 6 Roma Bible translators driving from out of town to our church for a week of Bible translation sessions

Feb 4 Pray for the team of translators as we check, edit & proofread Luke chapters 8-10 in 3 Roma languages

Feb 5 Pray for D as he leads the Bible translation sessions, for the Spirit’s guidance in all things

Feb 6 Pray for the Lord to guide the 6 Roma translators in the best way to express the meaning of each verse in Luke ch. 8-10

Feb 7 Pray for good interpersonal relationships for all the translators & consultants during our 6 days of Bible translation workshop

Feb 8 Pray for stamina on the 5th & 6th days in a row of Bible translating all day, for the Lord’s refreshment & joy

Feb 9 Pray for safety for the 10 of us going separate ways after a week of translation in Slavonski Brod

Feb 10 Praise God for the facilities of the Baptist Church in Slavonski Brod where we held our translation meetings

Feb 11 Pray as we spend these 2 days in Zagreb doing Bible translation checking in Bayash, for God’s enablement & guidance

Feb 12 Thank God for all who faithfully pray & financially support our ministry

Feb 13 Pray for D returning to the States after long days consulting for Bible translation in several languages

Feb 14 Today is Kirsten’s 15th birthday! Pray she will always love the Lord with all her heart, soul, mind, & strength.

Feb 15 Pray for encouragement for Timothy & for a great job for him in the Kansas City area

Feb 16 Pray for refreshment & edification as Pioneers leaders from our area meet today in Croatia

Feb 17 Pray for numerical growth & for encouragement for the leaders of our church in Nova Gradiška

Feb 18 Pray for full monthly financial support & funds to purchase a car for our teammate, Joy

Feb 19 Praise God for the faithful financial support of The Seed Company making the Bible translation work possible

Feb 20 Pray for transitioning grace for Elizabeth & Stephen returning to US to raise long-term support to return to Albania

Feb 21 Praise God for safety, good health & Croatian language progress for Pam & the kids

Feb 22 Pray for Matthew to see God at work powerfully in his life

Feb 23 Praise God for those translating English Bible translation notes into Croatian so our Roma translators can use them

Feb 24 Pray that this week’s SHARE family education conference will be very helpful

Feb 25 Pray for godly friends & role models for our kids & others attending the conference

Feb 26 Pray for great worship (in English!) & learning for adults & children at the conference

Feb 27 Pray for the Spirit’s guidance in all our personal, ministry & academic decisions

Feb 28 Praise God for the huge encouragement we always receive at the conference!

Thank you all so much for praying!

PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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