Subject: Coming to the States this summer

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It was great having Kirsten with us at home in Croatia for her three-week Christmas break from Black Forest Academy.

Sparklers on New Year's Eve

Ice skating together

Getting ready to take Kirsten to the airport to return to Black Forest Academy in Germany

L. to R.: Matthew, Jonathan, Elizabeth, Timothy and Stephen celebrated Christmas together, which was a precious occasion!

Let me share a few updates and prayer requests:

(1) We will be on our home assignment in the States from July 10, 2020, until early January 2021, and the 5 of us will need a place to live, preferably near Blue Springs, Missouri. Please let us know if you know of places we might live, and please pray that this need will be met. It would be best if there is no rent or low rent charged since, in order to keep our house back in Croatia, we will still need to pay monthly rent for that.

(2) We praise God that Kirsten has been accepted into the Early College program at Calvary University. She will be taking classes, beginning Fall 2020, which count toward her high school diploma as well as toward a college degree.

(3) I (Todd) will be teaching her to drive during that semester. We are in need of a car that she could use during that time to get back and forth to classes at Calvary as she will be living at home with us, as a junior in high school.

(4) The printer in Serbia is currently printing booklets of the Gospel of Luke chapters 1-2 in three Roma languages (Gurbet, Arli, and Chergash) and a book of 50 Bible stories in those same languages, which also has the stories in Serbian in parallel columns. After these are printed, Todd and the translators will be organizing meetings to present and distribute these Scriptures and storybooks. Please pray that these books and booklets will get to many people and that God will glorify Himself through His Word in these new languages.

(5) The translators have begun audio recording of Bible stories in the second language, Arli. It is exciting to see these developments, as the Scriptures and storybooks they have worked on for three years are being made available now in print, as audio recordings, on the web, and in an app. Praise God! Pray for the translators and narrators, that the recordings would be clear, accurate, and of good quality. Pray God will use all the audio recordings to glorify His name.

Thank you for praying,

Todd & Pamala

Goran with the first samples of Luke chapters 1-2 in 3 Roma languages

Recording Luke chapter 1 in Arli

A new Android app with the Christmas story in 6 languages: Gurbet, Arli, Chergash, Bayash, Croatian and Serbian

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