Subject: Christmas shoe boxes for Roma children (part 1)

Christmas shoe boxes for Roma children (Todd & Pam Price)
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Pam, Daniel, Ariela shopping for shoe box contents
Christmas shoe boxes for Roma children
It was fun to take our kids shopping to fill five shoe boxes as Christmas gifts for Roma (Gypsy) children. A family from our Budapest church is organizing a distribution to 500 Roma children, as well as food packets for 80 families and we are thrilled to be able to take part in this outreach. We'll also be giving out 250 tracts and Gospels of John in Hungarian. Please pray for long-lasting fruit, that many of these Roma would come to be faithful followers of Jesus.
Daniel holding his package
Each of our kids shopped for a shoe box for a Roma child of their age and gender, and then they did one extra box together. Here is Daniel (6), with Ariela (3) in the background, ready to take the boxes to our church on Sunday morning. Kirsten (10) and Matthew (16) were thoughtful to pick practical gifts "their" kids would enjoy, as this may be the only Christmas gifts these kids receive. These boxes will be distributed later this year in several Roma villages. (See more pictures on our blog.)

Below is a picture of one of the families who was helped in the outreach our friends did last year (see more pictures here).
Food packets for Roma families
Thank you for your prayers and financial support which enable us to remain on the mission field. Here are a few prayer requests:

1. Pray for Timothy as he looks into college and job options.
2. We still need a place to live in Kansas City (near Blue Springs, MO) for our home assignment June 2015-2016. Please pray for an inexpensive place for us to live and for someone to sublease the house we rent in Budapest.
3. Please pray for $330 we need in monthly financial pledges.
4. Pray for an upcoming trip to Croatia, that we would be able to meet with one or more mother-tongue Bayash speakers who could help edit and then test the draft translation of the New Testament into Slavic Ardelean Bayash.
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