Subject: Christmas pictures with the kids

We’re thankful that we were able to have all the kids here for two weeks. Jonathan flew in from California, and Matthew from Georgia. Since the others live here in KC, we were able to spend a lot of time all together.

We enjoyed lots of board games, coffee, hot chocolate, apple cider, popcorn and Christmas food, having our annual family ice skating outing, visiting Todd’s mom in Oklahoma City, seeing Pam’s family who live here in KC, attending Christmas Eve service together, making cookies, shopping and exchanging gifts. Pamala spoiled us with elaborate meals and made sure to make all the kids’ favorite foods and baked goods.

Below are pictures to give you a glimpse of our time together.

Warm greetings from the Prices. Thank you for your prayers for us and our family!

Todd and Pamala

Ariela (12) and Elizabeth (28), after painting Ariela’s nails

Cookie making! L-R Ariela (12), Kirsten (19), Elizabeth (28)

Matthew (25), Elizabeth (28)

Ariela playing a duet at our Christmas Eve service prelude

Pamala and Ariela

Timothy and Pamala

Jonathan (31) and Timothy (33)


Todd’s mom reading the Christmas card Ariela made for her

With Todd’s mom at her nursing home in Oklahoma City

Visiting with Todd’s sister, Tracey, in OKC, pictured with Matthew, Ariela and Jonathan

Matthew and Pamala

Matthew and Ariela

Daniel and Matthew

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