Subject: Christ through the Ages; God’s Word here and now

Pamala wrote and directed our children’s Christmas program, “Christmas: Christ through the Ages.” We’re thankful for all the children and adults who participated and trust that Jesus was glorified. Many Scripture passages outlining the OT promises of a coming Savior and NT passages in fulfillment were read, sung, and acted out by our young performers. We’re thankful for everyone in our church who worked hard for this ministry through music, props, art, and refreshments. See the pictures below.

Our Roma Bible translators were able to travel to Slovakia recently to witness a very important event. The Word for the World Bible Translators (TWFTW) dedicated the newly translated, full Bible in the Eastern Slovakian Roma language. This Roma language is similar to the languages we are currently translating (but different enough to need its own translation). We are so thrilled about this amazing accomplishment of completing the Bible in 15 years.

The team that completed that translation is now helping us with our translations. We are blessed to glean from their wisdom and years of experience and are thankful for the teamwork with them. It greatly encouraged our translators to see another language get a completed full Bible! We have finished 56% of the New Testament and none of the Old, so we have a long way to go, but seeing their success encourages us to press on. See the pictures below of the dedication and distribution of this new Bible.

In our three Roma languages, we are currently translating the Gospel of John and are over halfway done, presently in chapter 13. We’ve been working on it since early September and are very thankful for the good progress and the excellent work the translators are doing. So far this quarter, I have checked 1,572 verses in John with them.

We are so grateful for your prayers and support. We’d appreciate prayer for the remaining $365 we need in monthly pledges for our missionary support to be fully pledged. If you would like to give or increase your monthly giving, please see below for how to give.

Thank you!

Jonathan will come from northern California, and Matthew from Atlanta, GA, to be with us for two weeks over Christmas break! We look forward to spending time together as a family with all seven of the kids together in KC!

Merry Christmas, and may Christ be praised!

Todd & Pamala

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

PO Box 621329

Orlando, FL 32862-1329

(407) 581-7450

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