Subject: CORRECTION: Home Assignment Dates [The Roma Family Picture Bible storybook (The Prices Write, November 2016, part 1)]

CORRECTION: Home Assignment Dates [The Roma Family Picture Bible storybook (The Prices Write, November 2016, part 1)]        View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
CORRECTION TO PREVIOUS E-MAIL: We plan to be in the States for our home assignment mid-August 2017 to mid-January 2018.
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This year we have begun translation of 50 key stories from Genesis to Revelation into five languages (with drawings like the one above). We are excited about this project and pray that when the translations are finished and printed that hundreds of Roma families will use them for family devotions, as they begin to read more regularly and as they learn to feed themselves and their children spiritually. I recently visited Biljana and her family in their home in Croatia for three days (pictured above using an Android tablet to do translation) to train her and help her in the translation work. It's exciting to see the birth of this translation into the Chergash Roma dialect.
Todd & Goran translating the Roma Family Picture Bible storybook and the Gospel of Mark into Gurbet Romani


It was a joy to have Goran and his wife, from Serbia stay with us for a few days so I could do Bible translation training with him, teach him how to use the translation software on the Android tablet donated for that purpose, work on the translation of Open Bible Stories (what will become our Roma Family Picture Bible storybook) and begin the translation of the Gospel of Mark in his mother tongue, Gurbet, a language spoken by about 200,000 in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia and Montenegro which has no Scripture yet.


3 number of our kids who are still minors!
4 number of our kids who are now adults!
7 Roma dialects we hope to translate into
9 months until home assignment in the US (mid-August 2017 to mid-January 2018)
                                    200,000 speakers of Gurbet Romani 
Donations can be sent to:
Pioneers, 10123 William Carey Dr., Orlando, FL 32832
Or made online at:
To give for our missionary support, please designate for account 110250 "Todd & Pamala Price".
To give for Roma Bible translation projects, please designate for account 150786 "Roma Bible Society".
PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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