Subject: Birthday, SHARE, finances & Luke 11:4 (The Prices Write, March 2019, part 2)

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Thank you for praying for us. Here are a few new praises and prayer requests:

1. Praise God for Kirsten, our Valentine, who turned 15 on Feb. 14!

2. By the time you get this, we’ll be getting ready to head out the door to drive to Siofok, Hungary, for the annual SHARE conference. This is a highlight of the year for Pam and the kids as we attend this week-long education conference where Pam and I attend seminars and workshops on parenting, educating our kids and living overseas, and where the kids enjoy great classes, Bible teaching and hanging out with other missionary kids they may only see once a year. Praise God with us that we have this opportunity and please pray for a good week of learning, growing and being a blessing to others

3. We currently lack $580 in monthly financial pledges. This is due to the fact that in order to get visas to live here, we now have to pay for Croatian health insurance (even though we already have valid US health insurance), and because we also have lost a couple monthly donors.

Please pray regularly for the Lord's guidance as we translate Luke in four Roma languages, and a series of Bible stories in a fifth Roma language. I am so aware of the need for wisdom as we wrestle with understanding the text and being faithful to clearly render it in a way the Roma will understand.

An example might help: When Luke 11:4, the Lord’s prayer, says “forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”, does “as” mean “to the same degree as” God forgives (heaven forbid!), or “because we forgive” (the reason, as if we earned God’s forgiveness tit for tat), or perhaps as a clarification that we acknowledge that we are asking God for something we ourselves know we need to extend to others (“for, you see, we forgive”) ?

Questions of this sort are legion, so we covet your prayers for wisdom and God’s Spirit as we translate His Word.

Thanks for being there for us with your prayers,


PIONEERS (account #110250), PO Box 621329, 32862, Orlando, United States
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