Subject: "Best day we've had in a long time!" (Roma Decade of the Book)

Visiting Roma communities in Serbia (Roma Decade of the Book)         View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
Our team giving Roma Decade of the Book presentation in mountain community

"This is the best day we've had here for a very long time!, said several Muslim mothers after we had a spontaneous, literally "on the street" Roma Decade of the Book meeting in a tiny Roma neighborhood, overlooking the local strip mine of this out of the way town, Bor, in Serbia.

It was amazing to see the smile on the kids' faces as they sang "Read Your Bible, Pray Every Day, and You'll Grow, Grow, Grow!" Most of the kids were Muslims from Kosovo who live there and many speak Albanian. One man was quite opposed to us being there and some of the kids would not take home the book markers they made at craft time since they said, "Read the Bible, Pray Every Day", but over all we were warmly received.

Earlier that morning the pastor of the little Roma fellowship in the nearby town, himself a former Muslim, had shared his testimony with. He was living in Germany with his family when his daughter became a believer. Since his was a Muslim family, this made him really mad and he responded by beating her. But in time, he observed her life and then picked up a New Testament, and "happened" to read about Jesus' crucifixion. He became a believer and eventually returned to his native Serbia where he began serving 11 years ago in this Roma church called "The Ark Evangelical Christian Fellowship."

Later that evening we held a meeting at church, as always around the theme of reading, with worship songs, a drama, preaching and an explanation of the reason for the Decade of the Book.

We left this little church encouraged by their faithfulness to Christ. Sometimes you go to bless someone and you come away more blessed yourself!

Praising His name in Serbia,
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