Subject: An appeal for Matthew Price, from Brad & Julie Babcock; Matthew into operating room tomorrow morning

   My name is Brad Babcock.  My wife Julie and I have been long-time friends and supporters of Todd and Pam Price and their family as they have ministered overseas.  
   I have helped set up a gofundme account to support their son Matthew. Matthew was involved in a very serious accident over the weekend.  Todd, Pam and their family need our financial help along with of course our prayers as they navigate caring for their son.  

   The following link will allow you to contribute to a fund to help their family:

Please prayerfully consider what you can do to help.
  To God be the Glory,
  Brad and Julie Babcock

P.S. From Todd Price: Please pray for Matthew. Tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. California time they will take him into surgery to clean the left arm wounds, cover it with a wound vacuum, and possibly try to repair the fracture of his upper arm. Tonight he has been in more pain and more restless. It is a complicated "dance" to keep his pain regulated and sedation where it needs to be without causing his blood pressure and pulse to drop, which was happening earlier this evening. They did another blood transfusion and they are closely monitoring his numbers.

I really like this picture below with him (on the far left) with his big brothers and sister when they spent Christmas together last month.