Subject: A transformed life; a new couple

A transformed life; a new couple         View this email online if it doesn't display correctly
This is such an encouraging story about one of our dear Roma missionary co-workers and Bible translators.

"When Biljana was 14 years old, her mother forced her to leave Serbia and marry a Roma man in Croatia, where she has now lived for 21 years. 'It was hard,' Biljana reflected. 'I didn’t want to get married. I tried to seek help but I was told: "it is just the Roma culture."' The young bride lived with her husband, Djeno*, and his large extended family who lived a chaotic lifestyle. After less than two months Biljana ran back to Serbia, not knowing she was pregnant."  (To read the rest of the story, written by a friend of ours, go to:

On her own initiative, Biljana began translating the book of Matthew into her Roma dialect, Western Arli. Below you can see Matthew 6:9-14, the Lord's prayer.

Please pray for this dear sister and for us to soon be able to train her to begin a new translation into her dialect.
A match made in heaven
We also rejoice in the recent marriage of our dear co-workers in Croatia. Sergej and Željka (pictured below) serve tirelessly among the Roma in Croatia, first as singles and now as a married couple. Rejoice with us in their recent marriage and please pray for them, that the Lord will continue to use them greatly for his kingdom, now as a married couple.
Thank you!
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