Subject: 67% donated for our trip to Croatia; "in another form": lost (and found) in translation, installment #13

game day in Roma village, summer 2019

singing songs in Roma village for VBS, summer 2019

craft time for Roma teen day camp, summer 2019

UPCOMING TRIP TO CROATIA: Thank you for your prayers for our upcoming trip to Croatia (June 28-July 12). We have our airline tickets purchased, and since we wrote last month, we have received $6,755 of the $10,000 needed! Praise God and thank you for your kindness. If you would like to give to help us reach the full amount, please see the information about how to give, listed at the bottom of the page. We are so grateful for your support.

And, we now have four wonderful college students from Iowa who will be joining us. One of our supporting churches, Fellowship Bible Church, Oskaloosa, Iowa, has recruited this team to join us and we are very excited that they can be with us. Having more people than just our family means we can do a lot more ministry.

Todd preaching at Graham Union Church, Graham, Missouri

SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: We’ve enjoyed recent opportunities to preach and/or give a missions presentation in Columbia, Iowa, Graham, Missouri, and Kansas City, Missouri at churches, a prayer meeting, home school classes, and with a seminary student who is a potential future Bible translator whom we had over for lunch. We also have upcoming speaking engagements in Grinnell, Iowa, and Blue Springs, Missouri. If you would like us to come speak about Bible translation and life on the mission field in Eastern Europe to your home group or church group, please let us know.

Pamala (above) and Ariela (below) teaching a home school class about Croatia

TRANSLATION PROGRESS: Bible translation is going well. We are currently translating Acts and are up to chapter 6. Some of the finished translations of Matthew, Mark, Luke, 1-2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, 1-3 John and Jude in three Roma languages are now published electronically online to YouVersion (see the screenshot below).

We are so excited about this since it makes these translated books available for the first time to anyone, anywhere in the world. Please pray the Lord will use these translations to draw Roma to Christ, build up the Roma believers and strengthen his church among the Roma in Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro.

Matthew chapter 2 in the Arli language, now available free worldwide in YouVersion and

LOST (AND FOUND) IN TRANSLATION: Let me close with an illustration from our recent translation work in Mark 16:12. There it says that “Jesus appeared to two of his disciples in another form when they were going to a village.” We wanted to make sure that “in another form” was clear, since in this verse it does not recount the whole story of the appearance to the disciples on their way to Emmaus. He certainly didn’t appear in the form of an animal or a ghost!

“Another form” could easily be misunderstood, so for the Chergash language translation we clarified this by translating, “Jesus’ appearance changed and he appeared to two of his disciples when they went to another village”, and in the Gurbet language as “Jesus appeared to two of his disciples when they were going to a village, but he did not look like he did in life.”

Thank you for praying for us as we translate for the Arli, Chergash and Gurbet languages so they can understand God’s Word.

In Christ,

Todd & Pamala

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Orlando, FL 32832

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