Subject: 278 homes visited; encouraging friendships & visits; grateful for family & missions partnerships!

We’ve got lots of pictures for this update!

Printed copy of Luke & 50 Bible Stories in the Ludari language

Handing out free copies in Slavonski Brod, Croatia

Pictured at top is a copy of the Gospel of Luke and 50 chronological Bible stories in the Ludari language, the Roma language spoken in Slavonski Brod, Croatia, where we used to live. Sergej and Željka (pictured above) and the Pioneers team went to all 198 houses in the Roma village and offered a free copy. We praise God that nearly 80% of the people took one! (Those who didn’t take one were either Jehovah’s Witnesses, only spoke Croatian and not the Ludari language, or else were from a different Roma language.) So together with the other main Ludari village in Croatia, 278 homes have been visited and offered free copies of Luke and 50 Bible stories. 

Please pray that many will read God’s Word and also listen to the audio versions online. Please also pray for wisdom as I consider using some funds to help spread the Word in these Roma languages through advertising on Facebook and YouTube.

Weekly Zoom meeting, checking Matthew chapter 26 in the Gurbet language

I meet weekly via Zoom with each of the three translation teams: Gurbet (pictured above), Arli, and Chergash. We are currently editing the final chapters of Matthew.

The pictures below give some highlights of the past few weeks of goings-on at our home in Belton, MO, as well as a recent trip to Wichita and Oklahoma City.

Pam’s mom, Barbie Hughes, who lives a mile and a half from us, celebrated her 92nd birthday at our house. Pictured with Pam are her sister, Valori (far left) who came up from Dallas for the special event, and Pam’s sister, Kim (middle) who lives here in Belton, MO

While the weather has been nice, it sure has been nice for Pamala, Ariela (11) and Daniel (14) to be on the front porch for some of their home school subjects. Our older kids had bought the porch swing for Pamala, and Daniel recently put on the finish.

Pamala loves praising Jesus as part of the worship team at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, BluPamala loves praising Jesus as part of the worship team at our home church, CrossWay Bible Church, Blue Springs, MO.

It is so fun for Ariela (right) to have cousin, Sara (left) living two miles from us so they can spend lots of time together! Here they are enjoying the hammock in our back yard.

Pamala and Ariela enjoyed attending a True Girls pajama party evening with dear friends in Wichita, KS, recently

Todd’s mom, Geri Price, will be 84 in December. She is doing okay in her battle with Parkinson’s, and has been much more alert and interactive the last several times we have visited her in Oklahoma City.

Visiting Todd’s mom, with Todd’s sister, Tracey, at the nursing home in OKC

Two beauties! Ariela with Todd’s sister, Tracey, catching up on our lasts trip to OKC

We were so blessed to have friends and supporters visiting from out of state at our home for supper!

Our hearts were filled this weekend through the encouragement of the saints at The Master’s Community Church, Kansas City, KS, at their annual missions conference

Thank you for your prayers and financial support that make it possible for us to continue translating God’s Word for the Roma of Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Montenegro. May it always bring great honor to His name.

Gratefully, Todd & Pamala Price

To donate by mail, phone or to set up monthly automatic transfers:

PIONEERS (account #110250)

10123 William Carey Dr.

Orlando, FL 32832

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