Subject: International Training : High Impact Presentation

High Impact Presentation
High Impact Presentations focuses on structuring an effective presentation that will build credibility, enhance a client relationship and clearly convey your concept. You will explore the optimum use of voice and gesture to create a lasting impression as well as a variety of presentation styles, ranging from a formal speech to a casual meeting or contentious conversation.
How it works ?
Participants are given multiple opportunities to develop and practice innovative presentations. You will be videotaped, evaluated and mentored by an expert until you have achieved the ultimate goal, the ability to deliver a masterful presentation.

Training environment
The class is small. The environment is supportive. The work is intense. And the results are outstanding. It is experience that makes a marked difference in business results. You’ll see measurable gains in better communication, enhanced personal and corporate image, and ultimately, your bottom line.
What we will cover 
Creating a positive impression
Increasing credibility
Presenting complex information
Communicating with greater impact
Motivating others to action
Overcoming adverse situations
Inspiring people to embrace change
Effecting change
Learn How To :
Persuade your audience using indisputable data
Lead effective Q&A sessions
Communicate with clarity and certainty
Interact with a natural and composed demeanor
Illustrate complex material directly and simply
Demonstrate unfamiliar material expertly
Project confidence and enthusiasm that builds credibility
Who Should Attend ??

Professionals needing to inspire large audiences, motivate sales executives, address the media, or simply control a meeting. As this seminar focuses on more advanced presentation skills, it is recommended that all participants have some prior experience in public speaking.
The Program Trainer  : An International Master trainer
Training format         : 2 Days
Training Language      : English 
When                             : Decemebr 5th + 6th 
Where                            : Jerusalem 

For more details please reply to this email with your questions
Jerusalem, 97300, Jerusalem, Israel
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