Subject: Tim Braun's June 2015 Newsletter

June 2015 Newsletter

Hey Everyone,

Summer is finally here! After our physical and spiritual "Spring Cleaning" accomplished, it's time to RELAX and enjoy the fruits of our labor! I encourage all of you to be out among Mother nature and the wonderful weather, honoring and playing in all she has to offer...mountains, trees, ocean beaches or lakes, and gardens! The earth energies nourish our souls as well as our bodies with healthy fruits and vegetables available now. Salt in ocean seas cleanses our auras; fresh air and oxygen from trees and plants in our lungs; even small doses of daily sunshine gives us vitamin D for nourishment and feelings of well being. Exercise in any way that gives you joy for your body, and meditate for your soul...which, when quieting the mind, allows you to hear the sometimes soft and subtle messages that appear as thoughts, or inspirational messages. Then listen and follow that message/thought and see what adventure it will take you on!

With Love,
Affirmation for the Month!

"I am responsible for my spiritual, mental and physical well being"
Ask a Medium!!

I asked my Facebook fans to supply a question that they've always wanted to ask me, and I would publish my answer here. Recently I was asked:

 "Do spirits stay around forever, or do they move on to a higher place? Or are they in both places at once?

The answer is "yes" they ascend, much like we graduate from one school grade to another, in their spiritual growth. They can visit and check in on their loved ones here from time to time, as they do in a session with a Spiritual Medium like myself, but they have work and learning to do on the other side with busy lives like we do!
Upcoming Events!

2 Hour Spirit Circle & Demo
Sacred Journey Metaphysical and Crystal Shop
Riverside, CA
Saturday, June 19, 2015
(951) 786-9950


Messages From The Other Side
Saturday, July 18, 2015 
7:00 pm - 10:00 pm
(949) 333-1641

Recent Testimonials From Private Client Sessions and Demos!

"In my reading someone came through who I hadn't met but we decided it was for a friend. I just want to tell you that everything you said was accurate. My friends was so relieved to hear the message!" - Samiyah H.

"You were spot on with almost everything in the reading and I later validated even more of what you told me. Thank you for doing what you do - God Bless you and keep up the great work." - Nettie
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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