Subject: September Newsletter

Happy September everyone! I hope you enjoyed your summer. I am so thankful to be traveling more again since the pandemic. I recently got back from a two week trip to Switzerland and Greece. I had the best time exploring so many beautiful places. If you have the opportunity to travel, take it. There is so much you can learn by observing other cultures and speaking to people in different parts of the world. Did you travel anywhere new this year that you enjoyed?

I am thrilled to be back doing in person Spirit Circles. Click HERE to see the ones I have coming up this year. There is limited seating and events will sell out, so make sure to get your tickets today! I like to keep these demo’s small and more intimate, so that I am able to get to as many people in the room as possible. I look forward to seeing you all there!

Thank you also for helping me out by writing a google review. It is a great way for others who might be interested in booking a sitting to hear first hand how the sitting has impacted you. Thank you for your help spreading the word!

You can email the office at or call or text 626-308-1614 to purchase a gift certificate or book a sitting. Feel free to also view available dates and times HERE.

I look forward to sitting with you and Spirit soon!
September Affirmation: When I change up my routine and do something new, I am allowing my inner child to play and explore. I am curious and open and in this energy, I can allow wonderful new experiences and opportunities to happen for me. I will do something new today.
Tim's Helpful Hints For Mind, Body and Soul:
I think that traveling is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. It takes us away from our routine and encourages us to rest and relax. It makes way for new opportunities and adventures. It encourages learning and understanding of how other people live. I love traveling abroad to new places, but I also have a few spots in Europe that I tend to revisit. There are also cities and areas around me locally that I enjoy visiting or haven't had a chance to visit yet. Even if you can't travel far, I hope you can still travel somewhere new today. I encourage you to go somewhere new and see how it enriches your soul.

*Tim Braun is not a medical doctor and is only sharing these helpful hints as a recommendation from his personal experience.
Tim's Favorite Mantras

"It appears that the best medicine for gaining longevity is not to worry ourselves about useless matters" - Unknown
A poem from a client who recently sat with me

Carry On

Too soon gone
your memory lingers on
an echo in the canyon
spiritual companion
staring back at me
like it used to be.
Your voice in my head
said “I may be dead
but you can’t get rid of me
so easily.
Your life and mine 
are intertwined 
beyond the confines of time.
I will see you again 
on a mystical plain 
our love still remains 
and that will never change. 
So you must carry on
‘cause I’m not really gone
like the sun in the night
when you can’t see its light
but you know before long 
there will be a new dawn.
THANK YOU to all of the podcast organizers and bloggers who have been reaching out. Now that everything is opening back up, I would love to come join you on your show. Please email all inquires to and check out the podcast list below to see the projects I've been working on. Much love!

Mystics for Hire - CLICK HERE!

MysticMag - CLICK HERE!

Ivana Tattoo Art - CLICK HERE!

Medium Finder- CLICK HERE!

Almost 30 Podcast - CLICK HERE!
                                  *Episode 157*

Trendy Husky Podcast - CLICK HERE!

Lunch with Stormy - CLICK HERE!
                                   *Episode 302*
Message about having multiple sittings

I get a lot of questions about having multiple sittings. I recommend that you wait at least two to three months in between sittings, but you are of course welcome to come back sooner. I recommend this because it gives you a chance to listen to your recording and reflect on the messages that were delivered, before returning for another sitting. This is my advice for getting the most information, quality and insight out of your sitting.

Call or text the office at 626-308-1614 or email to get yours today!


I always love to share new testimonials! Please email your testimonial to and it will be featured in an upcoming newsletter. We will only use your first name. Also, if you enjoyed your sitting, I would love for you to review me on Google and Yelp. Having personal testimonials from you all might help those people who are unsure of having a sitting with a medium to give it a try. Thank you!

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook!


I only send out newsletters twice a month, but I post on Facebook and Instagram all of my events, video questions and answers, quotes, etc. Make sure you are following, so you don't miss out!

"The Cure" is now available!

I am so happy to have been a part of this amazing project!

Check out inspiration from Deepak Chopra, Mark Wahlberg, Sharon Stone and myself, just to name a few! You won't want to miss this wonderful and enlightening video!
Recent Testimonials

"I had a private sitting with you in 2011.My father had just passed. I had the best reading in the world. My grandma, grandpa, dad, and others came through. I think you were at 9000+ readings at that time. I just wanted to let you know that you said I would have a boy and a girl (and I did!) You said that my boy looked light (especially for being 100% Asian) and it’s true, actually both of them were born with (and still have) brown hair, which is a little crazy because Asians usually have black hair. I really admire the way you work so hard to help people, you are truly gifted. Thank you for being a big part of my healing. I love you!" -Chrissie

"I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your recent Sherman Oaks event as it was very enlightening and I learned so much from everything you said. You have an amazing talent and humor and you are very unselfish in sharing your insights with all of us. I had a personal phone session with you several years ago and found it to be very informative and helpful. I will be contacting you soon to set up another one.  Thank you again for sharing your gift to help all of us connect with our loved ones who have crossed over." -Leanne
If you enjoyed this newsletter, please email it to the people in your life who you know would enjoy it too!
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.