Subject: September 2017 Newsletter

Fall Away 

We will be moving into yet another new season later this month—my very favorite for personal transformation. Fall is a time to release the aspects of ourselves and our lives that just aren’t working anymore to make room for the unknown gifts that lie ahead.

Chinese Philosopher Lao Tzu put it so beautifully: “When I let go of who I am, I become what I might be.” Notice that we must let go first in order to step into a higher vibration version of ourselves, and that isn’t always easy. It can be incredibly scary to let go of something without knowing what’s on the other side. So often we wait for a safety net before taking that leap, but what if that net never appears? How long will you wait? How safe do you need to feel?

“Leap and the net will appear” is one of my favorite sayings. Faith is a key ingredient for personal transformation because so much in life is unknown. My most profound personal growth has transpired from what felt like a risk, an act of courage, a leap of faith. Sitting back and waiting for our lives to unfold before us is a sure-fire recipe for a mundane existence.

So as your summer vacations come to an end, without feeling the need to do anything just yet, I invite you to spend some time in prayer, meditation and reflection to explore what is ready to “fall away” in your life. What would feel really good to release before you begin another new year? Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, so now is a great time to start planning and preparing for the leaps of faith that you are willing to take this fall season.

What do you need to let go of to become who you might be?
September's Affirmation: With faith by my side, I choose to see the unknown as an opportunity to courageously step toward personal growth and transformation.
Many of you have come to know and love my assistant Jamie, and so I have some bittersweet news to share. Jamie will be moving out of state and pursuing a personal dream, so this month will be her last as a part of my team. I wish Jamie the very best as she begins her new adventure, and I thank her for all the time, energy and heart that she has put into her work. I will surely miss her!
With that, I am now on the lookout for a new personal assistant! This part-time position (approx. 20 hours/week) is based out of Orange County, California, and mostly remote. The ideal candidate is incredibly detail-oriented, flexible (the job responsibilities are always changing!), great with people, technology/computer proficient, social media savvy, self-starting, enjoys writing and is a great listener with a HUGE heart! As this position has a lot of contact with my clients, providing stellar, loving service is of utmost importance to me. I take this position very seriously, so please ensure that you are a great fit before applying.

HOW TO APPLY: Send an email to with the subject line: "Personal Assistant Position." In order to be considered, you will need to include the following: 1) A cover letter specific to this position, and 2) a current resume. I look forward to hearing from you and meeting some great candidates!

Due to very popular demand, I have adjusted my schedule to work the following Saturdays:
  • Saturday, September 23rd
  • Saturday, October 7th
  • Saturday, October 14th
Please note that these appointments will not be available on my website; you must CALL (626-308-1614) to reserve your appointment. I hope this is a blessing to those of you who have made this request!
Coming Soon...
Sherman Oaks, California
As promised, I'm heading back to Aum & Garden for (2) two-hour demonstrations of mediumship, spiritual insight and teachings where I will deliver messages from Spirit and help re-establish the ties we've lost with those who are no longer with us. 

Please note that both of these events have SOLD OUT:

Saturday, September 16th, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Saturday, September 30th, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

That said, please feel free to reply to this email to be put on the waiting list and/or to be first in line for the next event. As these events are consistently selling out, I will definitely be back again soon!
Italy & Switzerland Next Month!

Italy ~ October 18-22
Live Demonstrations & Private Sittings

Event info and to book your private sittings:
Tel (Italy): 0544.72215
Switzerland ~ October 24-28
New Book Out, Live Events & Private Sittings
Come see me live and/or book your private sittings here.
NEW Mediumship Workshop
Develop & Master your Mediumship Skills ~ Level 1
Saturday, November 4th
9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

~ Limited Seating ~

This incredible all-day seminar is for those who want to develop or increase their psychic abilities and understand more about the mechanics of mediumship, healing and meditation. If you are new to mediumship, this workshop will teach you the essential skills you need, while experienced students can develop their skills to an even higher level. This event is expected to sell out, so book your tickets now!
My First Published Book: Life and Death

Life and Death is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me to share their losses and journeys of transformation. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone—unconditional love—and this book will show you how to bring that love into your being when you need it most. Order your copy here and leave a review on Amazon.

***Want my book translated in Italian? Get it here!***
Online Booking

Booking an appointment online is now easier with our online booking system! Check it out here or call 626-308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"Thanks for what you do. I have been so comforted and experienced much peace because of you. Also, my family and friends have felt the same because of your help. Truly life-changing. As always, sending much love and best wishes." —Marie L.

"Hello Tim. It was a pleasure meeting you. Although incredibly skeptical to start, you have impacted my life beyond comprehension in those 50 minutes and I can't stop thinking about it. I do plan to come in again."  —Melissa G.
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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