Subject: May 2016 Newsletter

Forgiving Within

Everyone experiences the pain of being mistreated or wronged by others throughout life. Perhaps more excruciating is being the one to inflict emotional harm and the lasting guilt that tags along.

Whether or not it is intentional, the immense remorse that is felt from a poor decision that hurt someone can be held within us long after it has passed. The fact that we cannot undo our mistakes can put self-forgiveness at an unreachable place. Many times we tend to prolong our suffering by replaying our missteps on a loop in our minds; but what purpose does that serve?

The downfalls in life can be one of our greatest teachers if we choose to recognize them. Repeatedly berating ourselves keeps us stagnant and hinders the healing process. In turn, we miss out on profound self-growth which can extend outside ourselves to forgive others in our lives as well.

Remember, forgiving is not forgetting; however it is about letting go. Letting go allows you to move forward and show others and most importantly, yourself, that you live your life with good intentions and that you are better than any mistake you've ever made.
May's Affirmation: I give myself permission to forgive myself so I am able to forgive others as well.
I will be featured in the May issue of Psychic News!
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Psychic News is the UK’s foremost monthly magazine covering Spiritualism, healing, the paranormal and mind, body, spirit subjects. It was established as a weekly newspaper in 1932 by founding editor Maurice Barbanell – the medium for the world famous guide Silver Birch.
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Coming Soon
May 14th I will be in Mission Viejo at the InSpirit Center for Spiritual Living for a live demonstration from 6:30p.m.- 8:30p.m. as well as a personal book signing afterwards for my newly released book, Life and Death. For additional details and ticket information, click here!
I'm excited to venture to Ventura Center for Spiritual Living on June 3rd for a special two hour workshop from 7:00p.m.- 9:00p.m. I will guide you to awaken the psychic abilities within and connect you to your higher spiritual self. To register for your spot, and to learn more, please click here!
My First Published Book: Life and Death

The unveiling of my first book, Life and Death: A Medium’s Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure, finally arrived! After 15 years of giving private sessions, I understand death, loss, grief, and pain on all different levels. This book is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me and share their losses and also their transformations, from pain to closure. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone, unconditional love, and how to bring that love into your being when you need it most.

**Order your copy here and leave your personal review on Amazon letting us know how you liked it!**
New Online Booking
Booking an appointment online just became easier with our new online booking system! Check out it here or call (626) 308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"Thank you so very much for my meeting. I had many questions that have been rattling around in my head for months...even years. Your reading with me has eased my mind on many topics and relationships that I couldn't justify myself. You were on point with so many loose ends that it left me speechless at times." -Valerie S.

"I am beyond grateful for the gift of comfort you have given me."- Patrick N.
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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