Subject: March 2017 Newsletter

A Different Kind of Spring Cleaning

As we slowly say goodbye to winter and welcome the spring season later this month, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about spring cleaning. Now I am not talking about cleaning out your closets and donating unused household items (although both great ideas and highly recommended!); I am talking about cleaning out your internal environment.

It’s so easy to look around our homes and see the clutter build up in front of our very eyes, but what about all that builds up on the inside? Do you notice when your heart could use a serious deep clean?
 Last month I shared some different ways that we can make this world a more loving place, so now let’s explore how we can make YOU a more a loving place.

Close your eyes. Put your hands on your heart. Take a few long, deep breaths. Now ask yourself these questions: Where am I angry, resentful or hateful? Where am I living in fear, anxiety or worry? In what ways have I not forgiven myself or others?

Once you have identified any emotional and mental clutter taking up precious space inside of you, I ask you this: Are you willing to CHOOSE LOVE instead? Are you willing to take an active role in letting go of that which weighs you down?

If you answered "yes" to both of those questions, I invite you to spend some time inviting love into your heart. Whether it's through prayer, meditation, journaling, hiking, biking, singing—you name it—invite unconditional love to come pouring into you and set you free from all that no longer serves you. Do it over and over again. Do it until it works. It might not happen overnight and it will probably take some time, but love always wins. I can tell you that with my whole heart.

So before spring hits and you start sorting through that junk drawer in the kitchen, what do you say we begin our spring cleaning from the inside out?

March's Affirmation:  Today I invite unconditional love into my heart, letting go of all mental and emotional clutter. Today I CHOOSE LOVE and live with a clean, open heart.
Happening Now!
Switzerland & Italy
Gary Quinn and I just wrapped up an amazing few days in Zurich at the Lebenskraft 2017 event! We had such a wonderful time and are so incredibly grateful for the opportunity to keep coming back to Zurich. We truly can't thank Giger Verlag Publishing enough for all the support and to every single one of YOU who came to see us. We heart Switzerland!
Next up... ITALY!! We will spend the remainder of our trip with our friends in Rome, Milan and Bergamo from March 7-13. It's not too late to book a private sitting or attend one of our various events, so please visit our page on the EIFIS Editore website for more information on how to join us! Thank you EIFIS Editore for arranging our trip; we are so excited to see everyone...
Coming Soon...
Los Angeles Later this Month
Thank you to those who have purchased tickets for my next event in Sherman Oaks on Saturday, March 25 at 1:30p.m.this is a SOLD OUT event! Don't worry if you didn't get your tickets in time; I absolutely love Aum & Garden and will surely be back again. Aum & Garden offers a unique opportunity to nurture your heart (and your home!) at their beautiful retail store and gathering place dedicated to inspiring happiness and wellness in all areas of life. 

Want to be on the waiting list? There are already a couple of people ahead of you, but it doesn't hurt to put your name down! Send an email to to get on the list.

Looking for another Southern California event? I will be in Ventura in June; check out the event details below!
Ventura, California in June
Join me on Friday, June 2nd from 7 – 9p.m. in Ventura, California for a workshop on "Awakening Your Sixth Sense & Tapping Into the Spirit World." At this event, you will learn how to awaken and develop your psychic abilities and connect with your higher spiritual self. There will also be a guided meditation to help facilitate contact with the Other Side.

***Tickets are available HERE ~ reserve your spot today!***
My First Published Book: Life and Death

After 15 years of giving private sessions, I understand death, loss, grief and pain on all different levels. My first book Life and Death: A Medium’s Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me and share their losses, as well as their transformations from pain to closure. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone—unconditional love—and this book will show you how to bring that love into your being when you need it most.

**Order your copy here and leave your personal review on Amazon letting us know how you liked it!**
My Book is Now Available in Italian!

I am proud to announce the new Italian translation of my book! You may purchase your copy online here, or you may purchase a signed copy in person at any of my scheduled events while I am on tour in Italy this month.

New Online Booking

Booking an appointment online just became easier with our new online booking system! Check it out here or call (626) 308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"After having thought for so long about my loved ones who have passed on, I booked a spiritual reading with Tim. It was a truly incredible experience! Tim told me things only my loved ones and I would know. It was so amazing and such a blessing to finally have that closure I so needed in my life. Thank you so much, Tim, for sharing your beautiful gift with the world! —Janet D.

"Thank you for sharing your remarkable gift with me. I am so grateful to you for connecting me with my soulmate. The things you said were poignant and accurate. Thank you. —Sybil H.
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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