Subject: June 2016 Newsletter

Living in the Moment 

Do you ever find yourself spending too much time dwelling on the past or worrying about the future? Many of us do, and it is completely normal to do so from time to time. However, when we get too caught up with looking backward or forward, we often miss what's right in front of us. And let's face it, all we really have is right here and right now. So why not seize the day?

We tend to place so much importance on our past and future because of a strong element: fear. We fear we may repeat past mistakes or experience negative events again. On the other end, we fear for the future because it is uncharted territory.

Since we cannot change our past or control our future, focus your energy toward living fully in the moment. Enjoy your family, friends, and career as it currently is. It is the only space in time that is ever really tangible.
June's Affirmation: I will actively live and enjoy my life as it is presently.
Coming soon
I'm excited to venture to Ventura Center for Spiritual Living on June 3rd for a two hour demonstration from 7:00p.m.- 9:00p.m. Tickets are going quickly due to limited seating, so don't miss out! To register for your spot, and to learn more, please click here.

On Saturday, June 4th, I will be holding private, one-on-one sessions in Ventura. Session availability is very limited so be sure to call 626-308-1614 for further details and to book a session!
September 11th I will be at Center for Spiritual Living Westlake Village for a live demonstration starting at 1:30p.m. and a personal book signing after for my newly released book, Life and Death. For additional details and ticket information, please click here.
My First Published Book: Life and Death

The unveiling of my first book, Life and Death: A Medium’s Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure, finally arrived! After 15 years of giving private sessions, I understand death, loss, grief, and pain on all different levels. This book is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me and share their losses and also their transformations, from pain to closure. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone, unconditional love, and how to bring that love into your being when you need it most.

**Order your copy here and leave your personal review on Amazon letting us know how you liked it!**
New Online Booking
Booking an appointment online just became easier with our new online booking system! Check out it here or call (626) 308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"Because of you, your gift, and the messages that you have relayed to me, I have found my purpose." -Lyndee V.

"My first reading with you brought me such comfort. The loss of my mom was devastating to me, but I am at peace knowing she is around me every day."- Simmy O.

Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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