Subject: January Newsletter

January 2015 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful and joyful holiday season, and that 2015 brings you health, happiness and "Manifests All Your Heart's Desires!" (the title of my Meditation CD!) 

The New Year is always a perfect time to reflect on the past year and acknowledge our accomplishments and how far we've come in achieving our goals. Setting our intentions for our future, and manifesting those desires, simply requires meditation and focusing our thoughts. 

By then combining the feelings and the emotions of having those desires, it attracts them to you by default. The "fake it till you make it" theory works! 

Act...and especially feel...that you already have it...and the universal law of attraction provides it! My CD teaches how to develop these mental tools, and is available on my website

I wish you great success in Manifesting All your Heart's Desires in 2015...and beyond!

In Love and Prosperity,

P.S. My article in Awareness Magazine was published this month! Click here to read it on page 13.
Affirmation For The Month

"I have the unlimited power to achieve anything I set my mind to!"
Upcoming Event January 22
Click The Banner Below To Buy Your Tickets!
Ask A Medium

Question from Amy B.

"During your readings, do you tend to withhold the negative things so as to not upset the client?"


"Good question Amy! No, I do not filter what comes through. I say it like I hear it - bad language, attitude and all! I always say...a client may be paying me, but I actually work for Spirit! It's my job to relay their messages as they present them, and it usually portrays their personalities accurately, so the client will know for sure it is their loved one coming in providing validation."
Want To Win A Free Sitting With Tim Braun?
If you want to learn more details, like my Facebook page (click the button below), and stay tuned for more updates very very soon!

Keep an eye out on my Facebook page for our "Share" and "Like" campaign where the winner will receive TWO FREE tickets to my January 22 Spirit Circle!!
Recent Testimonials From Private Client Sessions and Demos!

"Tim is just the BEST!! Such an accurate and sincere man...if someone has crossed over, and you want comfort and peace...go see Tim! I have several friends who have had such positive experiences by having a reading with him." -Jacque T.

"I had a sitting with you about 3 years ago after hearing about you from a friend. You were spot on with almost everything in the reading, and I later validated even more of what you told me. Thank you for doing what you do. God bless you, and keep up the great work!" -Nettie
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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