Subject: January 2016 Newsletter

Slow and Steady Wins the Race 

As we bid farewell to 2015 and greet 2016, resolutions and "new year, new me" mantras are thrown around. Everyone begins looking to better themselves and make radical, impactful changes in their life, but for most, the effort for improving one's life tends to be forgotten quickly...sometimes as soon as February. 

Maybe the changes we ask of ourselves are just too drastic. The hype and excitement for a better life clouds the need for a realistic plan that requires making an authentic change. I suggest small and consistent changes, because let's face it, longtime struggles or nagging issues typically cannot be remedied overnight. By embracing this slow and steady approach, you give your resolutions a longer life expectancy, which ultimately gives you a better chance of fulfilling your goals.

Have a happy new year and attain your resolutions by making it a journey.  And when you hit bumps in the road, simply remind yourself that leaving these issues behind will propel you forward into the life you dream of.

This Month's Affirmation: Today I set my intentions, expand my faith, and expect great results.
My First Published Book: Life and Death

The unveiling of my first book, Life and Death:A Medium’s Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure, finally arrived! After doing private sessions for over 15 years, I understand death, loss, grief, and pain on all different levels. This book is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me and share their losses and also their transformations, from pain to closure. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone, unconditional love, and how to bring that love into your being when you need it most.

**Order your copy here and leave your personal review on Amazon letting us know how you liked it!**
My return to Pala Casino Spa Resort is fast approaching on January 23rd! Don't miss this unforgettable night connecting with loved ones and a book signing after!
*Tickets are on sale with no service charge at the Pala Box Office, or online through Star Tickets, 1-800-585-3737. Call 1-877-WIN-PALA (1-877-946-7252) for more information. This event is for ages 21 and older only.*
New Book Recommendation: Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate

Another book to add to your list this year is Arielle Ford's, Turn Your Mate into Your Soulmate: A Practical Guide to Happily Ever AfterTo learn more and purchase your copy of this amazing book, click here!
New Online Booking
Booking an appointment online just got a whole lot easier with our new online booking system! Check out it here or call (626) 308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"I now have absolutely no doubt that there is an afterlife and that our spirits never die, so thank you! You are truly, truly gifted." Carolyn S.

"I so appreciate that you are in this world, Tim. I hope to see more of you." - Starla P.
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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