Subject: December Newsletter

Welcome to December everyone! Can you believe we are almost into 2023?! I am looking forward to my last Spirit Circle of the year this coming week. I am excited that we sold out all 100 seats in less than 24 hours. Thank you all for your support! I am doing this donation based Spirit Circle specifically at this time of year because I know there is a lot of healing that needs to take place during the holiday season. The holidays are some of the hardest times of the year for people who have lost loved ones. If you were one of the lucky ones who were able to get a ticket, I look forward to seeing you there! If you have a ticket that you are not going to use, please email the office at and let us know, as there are many people on the waitlist who are hoping to get in. Please also keep an eye out for more details regarding my 2023 Spirit Circles!

Thank you also for helping me out by writing a google review. It is a great way for others who might be interested in booking a sitting to hear first hand how the sitting has impacted you. Thank you for your help spreading the word!

You can email the office at or call or text 626-308-1614 to purchase a gift certificate or book a sitting. I am booked about six months in advance, so make sure to reserve your spot today. You can view available dates and times HERE. If you want to be added to the cancellation list, please let us know at the time of booking.

I look forward to sitting with you and Spirit soon!
December Affirmation: I am grateful for the times that have come in 2022 and I welcome all of the blessings that come in 2023!
Tim's Helpful Hints For Mind, Body and Soul:
In a world that is so focused on being busy and having things, please don't forget to make time for rest and also for play. It is important to do things that bring our souls joy and it is equally important to rest our bodies and minds. Don't forget to enjoy the magic of the holiday season!

*Tim Braun is not a medical doctor and is only sharing these helpful hints as a recommendation from his personal experience.
Tim's Favorite Mantras
"I have everything I need inside of me. I am capable of anything."-unknown
Message about having multiple sittings

I get a lot of questions about having multiple sittings. I recommend that you wait at least two to three months in between sittings, but you are of course welcome to come back sooner. I recommend this because it gives you a chance to listen to your recording and reflect on the messages that were delivered, before returning for another sitting. This is my advice for getting the most information, quality and insight out of your sitting.

Call or text the office at 626-308-1614 or email to get yours today!


I always love to share new testimonials! Please email your testimonial to and it will be featured in an upcoming newsletter. We will only use your first name. Also, if you enjoyed your sitting, I would love for you to review me on Google and Yelp. Having personal testimonials from you all might help those people who are unsure of having a sitting with a medium to give it a try. Thank you!

Follow me on Instagram and Facebook!


I only send out newsletters twice a month, but I post on Facebook and Instagram all of my events, video questions and answers, quotes, etc. Make sure you are following, so you don't miss out!

Recent Testimonials

" You were spot on about everything. You have an incredible gift. I hope you feel all the love and good energy coming back to you from the work you do with others. I completely got what I was looking for, it was extremely comforting and cathartic. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I can’t say enough good things about this experience. I hope to sit with you again one day. You are a gift." -Etana

"Just wanted to thank you for all the years of wonderful messages from heaven. Each and everytime is special. Last years mesage to me was short and to the point, but has been the foundation of my positive attitude in battling breast cancer. I have always had hope because of you. Your work seems exhasuting as you continuasly give of yourself to people. You have a special gift that God has given you. Thank you for sharing it with your clients. You're truly helped me thru the grief of losing my son. I know he is with me becuase of you. Thank you for being the messenger." -Anna P.
If you enjoyed this newsletter, please email it to the people in your life who you know would enjoy it too!
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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