Subject: August 2016 Newsletter

Going Within

With summer in full swing, there is rarely a dull moment. Our calendars are filled with visitors, vacations, summer camps, weddings—the list seems to go on and on. There is never a shortage of things to DO, but let me ask you this: How much time have you been dedicating to just BE? How are you looking on the inside these days?

Yes, summer is most definitely a great time for fun, friends and family, yet life’s beautiful moments become so much more meaningful when we take the time to go within. The nice thing is, there is no better way, right way, or the way as long as we make it a priority to spend time in solitude with our inner selves. One of my most valuable personal practices is to meditate for 20 minutes a day. That’s me… now what speaks to you? Nature? Music? Yoga? The options are endless and will bless your life beyond measure. 

So as you continue to plan out the rest of your summer, I invite you to take some time each day to BE, whatever that may look like for you. May your life become bigger, brighter and more beautiful as you go within… I will be right there with you.
August Affirmation:  Today I choose to go within, and I am blessed by the many gifts of BE-ing in my life.
A New Helping Hand!

Many of you have come to know and love Renee Schimkus, my valued assistant for the past year. Renee has been an incredible support to me as well as the wonderful individuals who seek my services. I am sad to announce that she has finished up her work with me this past week. While I will miss her dearly, let us wish her well as she goes back to school and embarks on her next great adventure. Thank you for all your hard work, Renee—we appreciate you!
With Renee on her way, we have worked hard to find a warm helping hand who will jump right in and provide this loving, dedicated service that is so important to my workand we have found her. I am pleased to introduce you to Jamie Grant! With Jamie comes a long background in nonprofit and relationship-building, but beyond her résumé is her passion for being of service to those seeking a more meaningful life. Jamie’s deep love for others and commitment to spirituality are what led her to this position, and I am so grateful to have her on board. Let’s give Jamie a warm welcome as she dives into her new role!
Coming soon
I'm excited to venture for the first time to The Wine Seller in Apple Valley on August 14th for a powerful, two-hour demonstration from 5:00p.m.- 7:00p.m. Tickets are going quickly due to limited seating, so don't miss out! To register for your spot and to learn more, please click here.
Join me on August 27th at The Olympic Collection in Los Angeles at 7:30p.m. for a truly unique event, hosted by medium Melinda Kushner. I will be teaming up with the remarkable medium, Paul Jacobs, who will be visiting from England. It will be a memorable evening of group readings and true spirit connection! This two-hour event is just $59 and tickets will sell out. Purchase yours here for this extraordinary night!
September 11th I will be at Center for Spiritual Living Westlake Village for a live demonstration starting at 1:30p.m. and a personal book signing after for my newly released book, Life and Death. For additional details and ticket information, please click here.
My First Published Book: Life and Death

The unveiling of my first book, Life and Death: A Medium’s Messages to Help You Overcome Grief and Find Closure, finally arrived! After 15 years of giving private sessions, I understand death, loss, grief and pain on all different levels. This book is a testament to those who have been so brave to open up to me and share their losses and also their transformations, from pain to closure. While those stories remain private, the underlying healing is the same for almost everyone, unconditional love, and how to bring that love into your being when you need it most.

**Order your copy here and leave your personal review on Amazon letting us know how you liked it!**
New Online Booking
Booking an appointment online just became easier with our new online booking system! Check it out here or call (626) 308-1614 for further assistance.
Recent Testimonials

"I had my first session with Tim and the whole thing was so wonderful! I will be back, and I will definitely be sending people over to him. He is such an amazing guy and I can't wait to see him again!" —Angela N.

"Love you Tim Braun! I hope you know how much you have made my life even more great! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!" —Keith K.

Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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