Subject: April Newsletter

April 2015 Newsletter

Happy Easter and Passover everyone!

It's been quite a weekend with Passover starting Friday, then a full moon AND lunar eclipse on Saturday April 4, and Easter celebrations on Sunday! I hope you all enjoyed time with family and friends.

This combination of energies can be quite jarring for some people, so if you've felt unnerved, have had difficulty functioning normally, or your sleep patterns have been off...please know you're not going crazy, it's just mixtures of intense energy, which constantly changes, and all will smooth out eventually!

Some tips to help you through...remember to breathe deeply, exhale slowly; meditate regularly to center yourself and connect with your higher self and source; keep thoughts positive and affirming of what you want; and enjoy the beautiful Spring weather and all that nature is providing us in her rejuvenation and renewal process. Walking on grass, or sand at the beach is very grounding and aligning!

I'm super excited to be doing this very special "Evening of Spirit" with my good friend, James Van Praagh on Saturday, April 18 in Orange County! Tickets are selling fast, so I hope to see you there!

With Love,
Affirmation For The Month

"I embrace change, new circumstances and people who enter my life as part of my soul growth and higher good"
Upcoming Events
Click The Banner Below To Purchase Tickets
InSpirit Center for Spiritual Living Orange County
25782 Obrero Drive, Unit D
Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Saturday April 18, 2015
6:00pm - 9:00pm

Other Upcoming Events!

The Channel to the Other Side: 2 Hour Spirit Circle
AUM & GARDEN - Sherman Oaks
Saturday May 2, 2015
3:30pm - 5:30pm

Click Here to Purchase Your Tickets

The Channel to the Other Side: 2 Hour Spirit Circle
ASTARA - Rancho Cucamonga

Saturday, May 30th, 2015
2:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Tickets Available at:
Toll-free: 800.964.4941
Phone: 909.948.7412
Want To Win A Free Sitting With Tim Braun?
If you want to learn more details, like my Facebook page (click the button below), and stay tuned for more updates very very soon!
Recent Testimonials From Private Client Sessions and Demos!

"I had a telephone reading with you in 2010, it was great. I heard it again yesterday and I had forgotten a lot of it. 5 years later the things you said were true. I hope to be able to have another phone reading soon, Thank you so much for what you do for people." - Nancy D.

"Thank you so much for the reading. It is helping me to heal. Thank you, thank you and every blessing in what you do to help others heal. I shall look forward to your book coming out later this year." - Jeanne P.

"I don't know if I really thanked you for your work because I was frankly in shock. So, THANK YOU! I just feel like I'm coming out of the fog and realizing the amazing information you've given me. So once again, thank you for your work, it is invaluable to me." - Staceylee L.
Tim Braun, PO Box 984, Dana Point, CA 92629, United States
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